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Preparing your experiment (administrative)

Practical issues

Financial assistance

Formalities to carry on


Almost 40% of participant lists have to be manually modified after the initial declaration.

List modifications entail: changes to guest house bookings, reprogramming of entry badges, cancellation and re-organisation of travel arrangement, etc.

Whereas we understand that modifications to the participants lists may be unavoidable due to circumstances, changes to these lists (sometimes several times for a session) represents a significant and unsustainable work load for SOLEIL services, with some risks of errors, considering the increasing number of modifications requests.

Consequently, only a single reopening of participants list will be allowed.

Therefore, before participants list submission, we kindly ask the Main proposer or the BAG coordinator to check that all participants’ needs are met (arrival / departure dates, guest house, financial support).

We thank you in advance for your collaboration.


To summarize, please find here every steps you have to follow after acceptation and planning of your experiment: 

These steps have to be completed at the latest 3 weeks before your experiment for a STD or BAG not MX/BioSAXS project or 2 weeks before your experiment for a BAG MX/BioSAXS project.


1- Select every sample, family sample or ancillary equipment you want to bring at SOLEIL among the samples list of your experiment online in the SUN set. (cf. Safety requirements) / Main proposer

2- Declare every participant who will be coming at SOLEIL for your experiment and specify arrival and departure dates for each of them online in the SUN set. / Main proposer

3- If necessary, request for SOLEIL laboraties access online in the SUN set using "Support Laboratory Access" function (cf. Access request) / Main proposer

4- Organize your mission : travel, accomodation, VISA / Every participants

5- Complete the safety training on line (cf. Safety training) / Every participants

6- For PROXIMA-1 and PROXIMA-2A beamlines you can perform your experiment remotly (cf. Remote access) / Main proposer

7- Read the PDF icon User Charter (28.15 KB) / Every participants

8- Fill in and sign the user declaration that will be given by at the reception desk / Every participants

9- Read the internal rules (french version) / Every participants

We remind you :

- Apart from exceptional circumstances or CEO specific agreement, people under 16 years old cannot have access to SOLEIL site (including the Guest House), except for the reception building.

- In case of a breach of company regulations, especially for safety issues, the SOLEIL user may be banned from accessing the establishment, without prejudice to the penalties applicable within the company or organization on which it depends (cf. Article 18 – Indent 3).


For any complementary information, please contact the User Office.



To contact SOLEIL User Office


The user Office team is looking forward to helping you, for any queries or complementary information:

Working hours are (from Monday to Friday): 
8:30 - 17:30 
Office A1.0.06, Main Building
SOLEIL User Office 
Division Expériences 
L’orme des Merisiers 
St Aubin - BP 48 
91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex 
Sylvie PAVAN 
33 1 69 35 96 51 
France ROUET
33 1 69 35 96 90 
Frédérique FRAISSARD 
33 1 69 35 96 52