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Visits: instruction manual

General audience, scholars and any other curious person are invited to visit the French synchrotron, both a large-scale facility and a research laboratory, to discover how it works and its many applications through our tours guided by our science communicators.

Updated on 30/03/22 -

CoViD-19 pandemic infor - SOLEIL can welcome visitors again ! However the mask is still mandatory in the facilities





Entry conditions and booking


  • free
  • authorised for ages 12 and over 
  • from Tuesday to Thursday, depending on available time slots 
  • reserved for groups (between 8 and 40 people): reservation is mandatory. If you are less than 8, reservation is required on the form, on the dates indicated here
  • Visits are prohibited for people with electronic equipment that have an impact on their health (pacemaker, insulin pump, neurostimulator for epileptic seizures, etc.), due to the presence of powerful magnets. Note that cochlear implants are authorized, even if the magnetic fields can cause crackling sounds without consequence.


Please note: we have recently switched to a new online booking tool, which allows you to book your visit from this page and without exchanging an email. 


Find out how to come to SOLEIL here

A free car park is available for visitors.

All visits begin at the reception pavilion at the site entrance.

Contacts :



You can book for individuals or small groups (between 1 and 7 people)

You can book for groups of 5+ people