Please find all the instructions and information about the required procedures once your experiment at SOLEIL is finished.
Departure from SOLEIL
Before leaving the beamline, please complete with the following regulations:
- Cleaning of the beamline and experimental areas (hutches, …) in order to leave them as clean as there were when you arrived ;
- Wastes collection (to be defined with the local contact) ;
- Preparation for samples and equipment shipping ;
- Signature to close the beamline and key deposit to the experimental hall coordinator ;
- Badge restitution at the reception desk (guard room).
Satisfaction survey
As soon as the experiment is over, we kindly ask the main proposer to fill in a short end of run report about his/her satisfaction concerning the experiment and the stay available in the SUN set: "Proposal & Experiment Management" TAB / "After Experiment" FUNCTION / Proposal ID / "End of Run Report " icon.
Experimental report
For any project submitted to Peer Review Committee, an experimental report must be written in english and submitted by the Main proposer or BAG coordinator in the SUN set: "Proposal & Experiment Management" TAB / "After Experiment" FUNCTION / Proposal ID / "Experimental report" icon.
Failure to provide such a report may prevent the proposers from being allocated beam time for the continuation of the proposal or for a new proposal.
- Standard proposals
If you have already carried out an experiment, please attach here all proposals performed for which you have written an Std proposal Experimental report (20.3 KB), submitted in the SUN set and which are related directly or not to the subject of the proposal you are currently editing.
- BAG proposals
For each type of BAG, an experimental report is required at mid-term and at the end of the BAG.
- MX-BioSAXS BAG proposal:
for Macromolecular crystallography experiments on PROXIMA-1 and / or PROXIMA-2A, and / or for Small Angle X-ray Scattering experiment on SWING, an experimental report should be submitted at at the end of the 1st year (17.45 KB), and then at
at the end of the 2nd year (19.44 KB), with different forms corresponding to the appropriate period.
- Classic BAG proposal:
for other fields if the beamline offers this access mode. An experimental report should be submitted at the end of the first 6 months, and then at the end of the year, with updated information according to the period, with the following experimental report form.
ROLLING proposals :
If you have already carried out an experiment, please attach here all proposals performed for which you have written a proposal Experimental report, submitted in the SUN set and which are related directly or not to the subject of the proposal you are currently editing.
The absence of this report is an eliminatory criteria during committees evaluation if not clearly justified.
Experimental Report Template (20.72 KB)
For non-proprietary research performed at SOLEIL, the results must be published in open literature.
For each publication, please:
- Mention the beamline on which you obtained data, as well as the corresponding proposal number(s),
- Acknowledge assistance from SOLEIL beamline staff and/or each person for his help, according to the following model:
"We acknowledge SOLEIL for provision of synchrotron radiation facilities and we would like to thank "XXXXX" for assistance in using beamline "YYYY"."
Please do not forget to send a reprint to the SOLEIL library.
As soon as your publication is accepted, the Main proposer or BAG coordinator should communicate the references through the SUN set: "Proposal & Experiment Management" TAB / "After Experiment" FUNCTION / Proposal ID / "Publication" icon.
When the references are completed, select the appropriate proposal to enclose the reprint
Note that your publication record is made available to the peer review committee members.