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Network and computing requirements

We advise you to read carefully the PDF icon Users Charter (258.36 KB) before coming at SOLEIL.

Network and computing requirements


We remind you that the main proposer will have to request the opening of a user account (Linux or Windows).
A login and a password will be allotted by defect, to allow the user to connect himself to the Experiences network of SOLEIL and to achieve the following operations during his stay:


Web navigation and to consult his email,  

  •  to recover or to post treat its data,  
  •  to print, …

He/she will have the choice:

  •  to use the computers at his disposal on the beamline or in the users self-service office (Library); 
  •  to connect himself with his lap-top computer.


In this case, the preliminary identification of the lap-top computers brought is mandatory (IP address and/or MAC address to indicate in the form to apply on-line for access in the SUN Set).

The WiFi network is available with your personal lap-top in the Guest House, meeting rooms, Auditorium and library. Choose the “Guest” network and log in with your SUN set ID and password.


SOLEIL Data Management Policy

Upload the document 



SOLEIL SUN set Privacy Statement

(This text is meant to be modified Last update, 23/02/2024)


SUN set and the GDPR

On 25 May 2018, the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force. The GDPR strengthens the rights that individuals have regarding personal data relating to them. We are committed to GDPR compliance and remain committed to providing robust privacy and security protections across our systems. 

Use of your personal data

We use the personal data provided by you when you register for an account in the SUN set for the purposes of administering your proposal, experiment and/or visit and operating the facility for the benefit of the user community.

This includes organisation of site entrance, onsite restaurant and guest house uses, travel and accommodation where relevant, and reimbursement of costs, where relevant. It also includes using your email address to send you important information concerning the operation of the facility, as well as to inform you about user-specific SOLEIL events and relevant scientific community announcements, and to enquire about your use of the SOLEIL facilities.

We also use the data to create the statistics and reports that are required of us by our contracting parties to meet our obligations for public accountability and the dissemination of information. SOLEIL may share mailing addresses with third parties, in order to undertake noncommercial actions such as surveys, statistics in SOLEIL’s interest. Similarly, SOLEIL may share mailing addresses with SOLEIL Synchrotron User’s Organisation (S2UO) and with national user’s organisation (AFURS).

In any case information will be deleted after actions completed. Your IP address is stored in our log files to prevent and detect inappropriate use of our systems and to follow up on technical issues.

High level metadata might be published as part of our open data policy. We don’t sell your data to third parties. Your data may be shared with other organisations outside of SOLEIL, only to enable administration and delivery of the services you request. For example, we will share information with taxis, hotels, airlines etc. as is necessary to deliver the travel and accommodation services you request.


Your account

The data are stored electronically.

Your SUN set account is strictly personal, and your login and password must not be shared.

You may modify your personal data at any time in your account information. You may also erase non-mandatory data from your account at any time.



Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information. In the SUN set, cookies are used to store session IDs, to help you customise your screens and to import data from external systems (e.g. publication data from the library database).


The Data Reduction and Analysis Group (GRADES) Services


The Data Reduction and Analysis Group (GRADES) gives support regarding scientific software, methodologies and computing resources to

  • help to prepare experimental projects,
  • bring a wide set of software and methodologies during experimental beam-time,
  • provide access to software and computing resources to treat the acquired data.

Our services are available to all scientists that already came at SOLEIL, or have a validated participant list for an experiment. Use your SUNset ID.


Data Analysis Remote Treatment Service (in your browser) with access to data and many pre-installed software. More… (
Fast electronic and vibrational mode dispersion estimates in solid state crystals. More… (
Fast powder diffraction and fluorescence estimates. More… (