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Experiment: carry out a project at SOLEIL

Your proposal has been accepted, now you have to prepare admistratively and scientificaly your visit.


On site please take note of SOLEIL's requirements and rules.


After your experiment don't forget to complete the requested reports (end of run report and experimental report) and to fullfill publication modalities.


Before experiment

In order to carry out your experiment at SOLEIL under the best possible conditions, it is necessary to complete a few number of administrative and scientific steps:

Project planification: contact with the beamline team

Samples selection

Safety requirements

Participants declaration

Access to support laboratories

Organize your visit (accomodation, VISA, ...)

--> Accomodation

--> Catering

--> Users fundings

-->VISA application

Safety training

Remote access

PDF icon Users Charter (258.36 KB)


On site

How to go to SOLEIL and what are the facility requirements ?



Coming to SOLEIL

Newtwork and computing requirements

PDF icon Informatic charter (168.01 KB)

Internal rules








After experiment

Please leave your comments on SOLEIL and on your visit (End of Run Report), complete your Experimental Report and read the publication modalities for results obtained at SOLEIL:



Departure from SOLEIL

Satisfaction survey (End of Run report)

Experimental Report
