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SOLEIL User fundings

SOLEIL offers different types of financial assistance depending on the research area of the proposal and the country of the participant institute:


- SOLEIL support is open for participant coming from French institutes.


European financing programs  (TNA) open for participant coming form European institutes (except France).


Please find below all the information concerning these financing programs...

SOLEIL support

Up to 3 users from French institutions (without any regions distinction), in the framework of an accepted experiment by Peer Review Committees, are subsidized for subsistence (guest house and meals at SOLEIL restaurant).                                                            

Financial support for transport applies only for users whose institutes are located outside Ile-de-France region.

Users who are given priority for guest house are:

- Users from outside Ile-de-France Region

- At least one subsidized user from Ile-de-France Region institute


In case of guest house overbooking, subsidized users declared to have priority by the Main proposer, according to the above mentioned rule will be accommodated, by the Travel Office, in a hotel close to SOLEIL.

Visits to SOLEIL are reimbursed from one day before the dates allocated for the experiment, in order to allow experiment preparation and/or sample disposal.

In case of several beamtime sessions: The 1st stay is fully subsidized (travel, G.H. and canteen meals). The others are partially subsidized (G.H. and canteen meals).

SOLEIL does not reimburse users from industrial laboratories or foreign institutes.


Please find more about reimbursement rules and prodedure


Reimbursement rules

At least 3 weeks before the experiment, the Main Proposer indicates users who will receive a contribution of their expenses in the "Apply for access" function in the SUN set.

Users receiving a contribution of their expenses, will be contacted by SOLEIL travel Office to organise their travel and accommodation at SOLEIL Guest House.

Users who are not supported by SOLEIL are invited to organize themselves travel and accommodation bookings.



Users supported by SOLEIL have priority to be accommodated in the Guest house (according to availabilities). In case of unavailability of the guest house, they will be accommodated in hotels booked by SOLEIL Travel Office.

Subsidized meals are taken at the SOLEIL canteen.

Users who are not supported by SOLEIL will have to pay themselves their meals by credit card at the charging point, or by check or cash at the canteen cash desk.


The reimbursement of user travel expenses is made for one round trip. The user has to choose the most economic mean of transportation.

Any journey or schedule modification likely to induce an increase of the ticket cost, ordered initially by SOLEIL travel office, will be supported by the user.

 Means of transport available:

  • Train

The reimbursement is done on the basis of the second class train, economic 'restritive' fare (Loisirs, Standard, Semi-Flex, Prems, ...) booked as earlier as possible. The airfare ticket could be reimbursed only if it is more economical than the train.

  • Plane

The maximum refundable airfare is the roundtrip on the basis of the economic 'restritive' fare, booked 15 days min. before the departure. 

  • Taxi

Taxi is reimbursed only if the schedule does not allow to take the public means of transportation (TRAM, RER, métro, bus, ...).

  • Private car

Exceptionnally, a private car can be reimbursed if used for car-pooling and/or samples transportation and/or ancillary equipement transportation. 

In case of car-pooling, the reimbursement is possible only if at least two subsidized participants are travelling together.

In case of the use of a private car, a request should be previously addressed to SOLEIL User Office by email (

Otherwise, the user will be reimbursed on the basis of the most economic and appropriate mean of transportation (economic 'restrictive' round trip ticket).

  • Rental car

A car rental cannot be reimbursed excepted in very rare case: heavy and bulky equiment transportation. 

A request, as well as a quotation, should be previously addressed to SOLEIL User Office by email (

Otherwise, the user will be reimbursed on the basis of the most economic and appropriate mean of transportation (economic 'restrictive' round trip ticket).


* Important *
If the mean of transportation does not apply to SOLEIL reimbursment rules, the Travel Office will reimburse a lump sum.


Reimbursement procedure

When possible all expenses covered by SOLEIL are directly engaged by SOLEIL Travel Office.

But expenses directly paid by the users, can be reimbursed upon presentation of original tickets.

Any journey or schedule modification likely to induce an increase of the ticket cost, ordered initially by SOLEIL Travel Office, will be supported by the user.

SOLEIL covers expenses for nights at the guest house and meals at SOLEIL Canteen.
However, if it is justified according the delay of the journey, some additional meals can be reimbursed upon relevant documents.
If an original ticket is missing the user will not be reimbursed for the fees engaged.

An extension of the stay for personal reasons will not be supported by SOLEIL.

AFTER the experiment, the refund requests must be submitted to the SOLEIL Travel Office by the user.

The requests must be presented using the Travel and Subsistence expenses Reimbursement ‘Form’ (sent by the Travel Office). Please note that the reimbursement claims must be sent within 2 months after the experiment.

PLEASE, REMEMBER TO KEEP THE ORIGINALS OF ALL YOUR RECEIPTS AND INVOICES to attach to the form duly completed and signed together with your bank informations.

Please mention at the verso of each document the project N°.

The departure location is the holder home.

He is reimbursed on the basis of the following original tickets:

  • Airplane or train ticket
  • Original invoice of the mean of transport if paid by the user
  • Toll tickets
  • Park ticket
  • Railway, RER, Bus tickets
  • Gasoline fees
  • Restaurant bill

The following documents are not accepted as relevant documents:

  • Copies
  • Pro-forma invoices
  • Invoice to a third party or to a legal entity
  • Bank statements, …
  • Credit card receipts, …




European financial programs


Please find all the information about European financing progams ongoing at SOLEIL:



- NFFA Europ Pilot

- ReMade@ARI









Start date: 01/01/2024 | End date: 31/12/2026 

NEPHEWS, Neutrons and Photons Elevating Worldwide Science, is an European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01).

This project has received funding from the EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe under grant agreement nº 101131414.

In the framework of the NEPHEWS TransNational Access programme, SOLEIL provides limited financial support for users who participate to an experiment related to an accepted proposal by the SOLEIL Peer Review Committees from September 1st, 2024.



  1. TNA is provided to selected academia user-groups.
  2. Only user-groups that will disseminate the results they generate under the project are eligible.
  3. The majority of the participants must work in a country other than the country where the legal entity operating the infrastructure is established (France for SOLEIL).
  4. All scientific fields except those which are supported by another EU programme.






NEPHEWS has a special focus on offering support to users from 8 selected countries, other EU Widening countries and countries without direct access to large scale research infrastructures in their country.

  1. First, financial support for travel and accommodation will be offered to users whose affiliation comes from one of the 8 selected countries: Estonia, Finland, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Ukraine.
  2. In addition, support will be offered to users whose affiliation is from other Widening countries* or in countries without RI.

* Widening countries are countries with low participation rates in FP7 and H2020 projects. The list of widening countries is comprised of 15 member states: Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia.

Not eligible to be refunded: Research Teams conducting their research in France and Research Teams from SOLEIL.



A maximum of 2 participants per project can be subsidized for travel and subsistence expenses (nights at SOLEIL guest house and meals at SOLEIL canteen) and only if all eligibility criteria described above are met.

When a proposal is accepted and then scheduled by the beamline manager, the main proposer must request accesses and to comply with three steps, no later than 3 weeks before the arrival, in SUN set (“Proposal Management >> Before experiment >> Participants declarations”):

  1. Selection of the samples to be brought for the beamtime session in the Samples TAB.
  2. Declaration of all participants in the Participants TAB.

The Main Proposer identifies users who will receive a contribution, from NEPHEWS funding, of their expenses and mentions dates of arrival and departure.

  1. Request of the appropriate support laboratory in Lab. Requests TAB.

Users supported by SOLEIL have priority to be accommodated in the Guest house (according to availabilities). In case of unavailability of the guest house, they will be accommodated in hotels booked by SOLEIL Travel Office.



SOLEIL covers expenses for travel, nights at the guest house and meals at SOLEIL Canteen.

However, if it is justified according to the delay of the journey, some additional meals can be reimbursed upon relevant documents.

If an original ticket is missing the user will not be reimbursed for the fees engaged.

An extension of the stay for personal reasons will not be supported by SOLEIL.

AFTER the experiment, the refund requests must be submitted to the SOLEIL travel Office by the user. The requests must be presented using the expenses Reimbursement ‘Form’ (available on SUN set). Please note that the reimbursement claims must be sent within 2 months after the experiment.

PLEASE, REMEMBER TO KEEP THE ORIGINALS OF ALL YOUR RECEIPTS AND INVOICES to attach to the form duly completed together with your Bank Coordinates.

Please mention at the verso of each document the project N°.

The following documents are not accepted as relevant documents:

  • Copies
  • Pro-forma invoices
  • Invoice to a third party or to a legal entity
  • Bank statements, …
  • Credit card receipts, …



As recipient of financial support by the EU Commission via SOLEIL you must meet the EU reporting requirements:

Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management” >> After experiment >> End of run reports" button.


Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management >> After experiment >> Experimental report” button.


  • For the purpose of reporting to the European Commission, all users applying for financial support are asked to complete an evaluation form. This should be consulted with beamline scientist at SOLEIL who will ensure that all beamtime information on the form is correct. It needs to be return to SOLEIL User Office by email ( :


  • Users are obliged to acknowledge support from NEPHEWS project by the following text string that needs to be literally included into the publication:

„The research leading to this result has been co-funded by the project NEPHEWS under Grant Agreement No 101131414 from the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe”.


  • “Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the Granting Authorities can be held responsible for them.”


  • Acknowledge SOLEIL and please include the following statements:

"Parts of this research were carried out at "beamline " at SOLEIL. We would like to thank N.N. for assistance during the experiment (if not co-author of the publication)"


Top Menu “Proposal Management >> After experiment >> Publication







    Start date: 01/03/2021 | End date: 28/02/2026 

    NFFA-Europe-Pilot, is an European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON-INFRAIA-2018-2020 / HORIZON-INFRAIA-2020-1).

    This project has received funding from the EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe under grant agreement nº 101007417.

    NFFA-Europe-Pilot is a distributed research infrastructure that integrates nanofoundries (growth, synthesis and nano/micro-fabrication) with advanced characterization and fine analysis available at European large-scale facilities, and with theory and simulation tools. It offers users the possibility to carry out cutting edge research at the frontier of the nanoscience and nanotechnology with the widest possible range of tools and more than 180 techniques currently available. Researchers accessing the NFFA-Europe facilities can control and design the properties of materials from the nano- to the micro-scale, and even up to the macro-scale.

    Thanks to the H2020 project NFFA-Europe Pilot, a new project supported by the H2020 framework programme of the European Commission, this comprehensive catalogue of facilities and services is now offered to users for free. NFFA-Europe Pilot will consolidate and expand the operation of an Interoperable Distributed Research Infrastructure for Nanoscience (IDRIN) – a unique platform to perform complex projects, offering a seamless series of science services to its users.

    Through the NFFA-Europe Research Infrastructure, comprehensive research projects become feasible through the submission of a single proposal.

    NFFA-Europe-Pilot offer is divided in 6 installations:

    1. lithography and patterning;
    2. growth and synthesis;
    3. structural and morphological characterization;
    4. electronic, chemical, and magnetic characterization;
    5. from nano to micro/macro;
    6. theory and simulation.

    The online catalogue provides the description and technical details of the techniques offered in each installation.


    There are 4 calls for proposals per year, which deadlines are:

    • beginning of March,
    • beginning of June,
    • beginning of September,
    • beginning of December.

    Submit your proposal via the dedicated web page:



    1. TNA is provided to academic users.
    2. Only user-groups that will disseminate the results they generate under the project are eligible.
    3. The user PI (Principal Investigator) and the majority of the users must work in a country other than the country(ies) where the installations are located (France for SOLEIL).

    This rule does not apply:

    -if access is provided by partners INL and JRC;

    -in case of remote access to a set of installations located in different countries offering the same type of service.

    1. In case of positive proposal evaluation, access for user groups with at least half of the users working in an EU or associated country is granted within the capacity of NFFA-Europe; access for user groups with a majority of users not working in an EU or associated country is limited to 20% of the total access provided by NFFA-Europe.



    NFFA-Europe proposals must include access to at least two different types of Installations (Litho/Growth/SM Charact./ECM Charact./Nano to Micro and Theory).

    The following exceptions to this general rule are admitted:


    -Proposals that need combined access to fine analysis employing both neutrons and synchrotron radiation at Large Scale Facilities to investigate the same sample systems are eligible even when the requested techniques belong to the same installation.






    As soon as the proposal is submitted on the website, the technical liaison network (TLNet - a network of scientists and technicians in charge of coordinating the access request and supporting user access) consults the sites offering access to the required techniques on the feasibility of the proposed experiment. Feasible proposals are then evaluated and ranked according to scientific merit by an external panel of reviewers (Access Review Panel - ARP). The best-ranked proposals are assigned to the most appropriate NFFA-Europe site/sites and scheduled for access. “Highlight Proposals”, selected among excellent, promising and challenging research proposals on scientifically and technologically “hot topics” adopting a comprehensive approach (well-justified and balanced access to complementary techniques/methods), will be granted fast-track access.



    This program reimburses up to two users per proposal.

    Normally, the duration of trip cum stay includes two or more travelling days (the onward and the return journeys) and a number of days equivalent to the number of access days granted. One unit of access is the equivalent of a shift of eight hours that corresponds to a day.

    Travel expenses: the maximum contribution per person per site accessed is €500. This means that regardless of the actual travel costs incurred, the maximum reimbursement will not exceed €500 per user per site. Otherwise, it will be equal to the amount of costs incurred, if lower.

    Subsistence costs:  The maximum contribution per person per day is €100. This covers daily expenses such as accommodation and meals during the trip and the stay at the access site.



    Original tickets OR e-Tickets OR original invoices must be collected by each user and sent to SOLEIL Travel Office (with reference to the proposal ID). The invoice must clearly show information relating to the nature, the date, and the price of all subsistence costs (for accommodation also the hotel category).



    As recipient of financial support by the EU Commission via SOLEIL you must meet the EU reporting requirements:

    Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management” >> After experiment >> End of run reports" button.


    Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management >> After experiment >> Experimental report” button.


    • At the end of the access sessions, users are requested by the NFFA-Europe management to fill in the forms below:

    NFFA-Europe Satisfaction Questionnaire

    NFFA-Europe User Report


    • Users are obliged to acknowledge support from NFFA-Europe Pilot project by the following text string that needs to be literally included into the publication:

    “This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, under grant agreement No 101007417 NFFA-Europe Pilot. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the Granting Authorities can be held responsible for them.”


    • Acknowledge SOLEIL and please include the following statements:

    "Parts of this research were carried out at "beamline " at SOLEIL. We would like to thank N.N. for assistance during the experiment (if not co-author of the publication)"


    Top Menu “Proposal Management >> After experiment >> Publication










    Start date: 01/02/2022 | End date: 31/08/2026 

    NFFA-Europe-Pilot, is an European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01).

    This project has received funding from the EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe under grant agreement nº 101058414.

    ReMade@ARI (REcyclable MAterials DEvelopment at Analytical Research Infrastructures) is funded by the EU Commission’s Horizon Europe programme and co-funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation.

    The project provides scientists who are working on the design of new recyclable materials with analytical tools that enable them to explore the properties and the structure of their material in smallest details up to atomic resolution. ReMade@ARI commits to leverage the development of innovative, sustainable materials for key components in the most diverse sectors, such as electronics, batteries, vehicles, construction, packaging, plastics, textiles and food on an unprecedented level. It will be the central hub in Europe for all sectors and research areas in which new materials for a circular economy will be developed.

     For Standard User Access, calls for proposals are issued twice a year, once in the spring and once in the autumn

    Submit your proposal via the dedicated web page.



    1. TNA is provided to selected both academic and industrial users.
    2. Only user groups that are allowed and willing to disseminate the results they have generated under the action may benefit from the access.
    3. The PI (Principal Investigator) and the majority of the team must work in a country other than the country(ies) where the facilities are located, unless access is provided by an international organisation such as an ERIC.
    4. The User Feedback Form in the access portal has been completed and submitted by the applicant for any previous project(s).

    ReMade@ARI promotes the EU Gender Equality Strategy towards a gender-equal Europe. Gender equality in scientific research and specifically encourages applications from women. The prerequisite to scientific and societal prosperity is the creation of an atmosphere of acceptance and trust, embracing all differences stemming from personal ways of life or personal living situations, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, ideologies, biographies, religion, beliefs, disability, age, appearance, and many other aspects.










    All proposals will be assigned 3 Reviewers from the program Proposal Review Panel and given an overall grade. The main criteria for evaluation are: scientific excellence and expected impact of the results on the Circular Economy. An email will be sent to notify the PI/team of the outcome of their submission:

    -Accepted – the proposal has been granted TNA access.

    -Rejected – the proposal has not been granted TNA access and comments explaining the reasons for rejection are provided. The Feasibility and Reviewer reports are also available in the portal for the team’s consideration.

    Once a proposal is accepted, the beamline manager will contact the team to verify details of access and define the scheduling of the experiment. Access should begin within 6 months from the date of acceptance of the proposal, depending on the type of access required. Depending on the technique chosen, facilities may offer agile access in a shorter time. Access should be completed in a maximum of 12 months from its start.



    ReMade@ARI program reimburses up to two users per proposal.

    A maximum of 600 EUR reimbursement for each of the two users, based on a calculated reimbursement of:

    -up to 300 EUR per user for travel costs.

    -up to 50 EUR per night/per user for accommodation up to a maximum of 6 nights.

    Meals are also covered as long as the overall reimbursement amount combined with accommodation does not exceed 300 EUR.



    Users are entitled to reimbursement after submission of the User Feedback Form in the access portal.

    To receive reimbursement, users should fill in the reimbursement form available on the website of ReMade@ARI program and send a signed version in pdf format together with invoices and receipts of travel and accommodation expenses to



    As recipient of financial support by the EU Commission via SOLEIL you must meet the EU reporting requirements:

    Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management” >> After experiment >> End of run reports" button.


    Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management >> After experiment >> Experimental report” button.


    • Users are obliged to acknowledge support from NFFA-Europe Pilot project by the following text string that needs to be literally included into the publication:

    “Funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon Europe call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01 under grant agreement number 101058414 and co-funded by UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the UK government’s Horizon Europe funding guarantee (grant number 10039728) and by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 22.00187. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council or the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI). Neither the European Union nor the granting authorities can be held responsible for them.”


    • Acknowledge SOLEIL and please include the following statements:

    "Parts of this research were carried out at "beamline " at SOLEIL. We would like to thank N.N. for assistance during the experiment (if not co-author of the publication)"


    Top Menu “Proposal Management >> After experiment >> Publication










    Start date: 01/03/2024 | End date: 29/02/2028 

    RIANA-Research Infrastructure Access in Nanoscience & Nanotechnology is an European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon Europe (HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01).

    This project has received funding from the EU Framework Programme Horizon Europe under grant agreement nº 101130652. And supports curiosity-driven research in nanoscience with open research questions for long-term impact, and challenge-driven research in nanotechnology with targeted research questions for short- and mid-term impact.

    At the core of the RIANA consortium is the ARIE network (Analytical Research Infrastructures in Europe) that comprises European networks with a focus on large scale research infrastructures.

    Coordinated by DESY, RIANA joins 7 European networks of top-level RIs to cover the most advanced techniques relevant to nanofabrication, processing/synthesis, characterization, and analysis as well as simulation capacity. Highly customized and efficient access to 69 infrastructures is coordinated via a single-entry point and enabled through comprehensive scientific and innovation service by senior scientists, facility experts, and highly trained junior scientists. This project encompasses both curiosity-driven research in nanoscience with open research questions for long-term impact, and challenge-driven research in nanotechnology with targeted research questions for short- and mid-term impact.

    This core of RIANA is aligned to attract experienced and new users from academia or industry making their promising ideas a success and pushing them to higher TRL. Being flexible to upcoming emergent scientific topics and needs, together with stakeholders from the Nano-community, RIANA implements the opportunity to offer access to additional infrastructures in, and even outside of Europe and to adapt the scientific service via additionally specialized junior scientists. Based on the four years of experience, the RIANA consortium will develop a roadmap for the future of nanoscience and nanotechnology at European RIs.

    User’s proposals are accepted based on a “continuous call” concept. Applications for pre-proposals are not mandatory but are highly encouraged.

    Submit your proposal via the dedicated web page.



    TNA is provided in two types:

    -Physical access with users visiting the infrastructure in person, receiving the service “hands-on”.

    -Remote access that may include, e.g., the analysis of mail-in samples, remote access to a high-performance computing infrastructure, without users physically visiting the infrastructure.

    To be eligible for TNA, the following criteria must be fulfilled:

    1. The users must be allowed and willing to disseminate the results they have generated.
    2. The PI and the majority of the team must work in a country other than the country where the infrastructure is located, unless access is provided by an international organisation such as an ERIC.
    3. The User Feedback Form has been completed and submitted for any previous project of the Users.

    RIANA promotes the EU Gender Equality Strategy towards a gender-equal Europe. Gender equality in scientific research and specifically encourages applications from women. The prerequisite to scientific and societal prosperity is the creation of an atmosphere of acceptance and trust, embracing all differences stemming from personal ways of life or personal living situations, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, ideologies, biographies, religion, beliefs, disability, age, appearance, and many other aspects.



    Proposals that are supported by RIANA need to address a topic in the fields of nanoscience and nanotechnology. This criterion is checked by the Chairs of the Proposal Review Panel as follows:

    RIANA refers to “nanoobjects” whenever the structures of an object that determine its key properties are smaller than 100 nm in at least one dimension. Consequently, “nanoscience” is the science of nanoobjects, and “nanotechnology” is the technology exploiting nanoobjects.






    All proposals will be checked by the RIANA TNA Coordinator. For each proposal, the selected infrastructures will either be confirmed by the TNA Coordinator, or different infrastructures will be assigned. This may happen due to scientific considerations or available instrument time. If the assigned infrastructures are different from the chosen ones, this amendment will be done in the proposal directly by the Project Administrator, and the Applicant will be notified.

    The technical feasibility of each proposal will be assessed by scientists at the assigned infrastructures.

    All proposals will be assigned three Reviewers from RIANA program’s Proposal Review Panel and given an overall grade.

    An email will be sent to notify the Users of the outcome of their submission:

    -Accepted – the proposal has been granted TNA access.

    -Rejected – the proposal has not been granted TNA access. Comments explaining the reasons for rejection are provided.

    Once a proposal is accepted, the beamline manager will contact the team to verify details of access and define the scheduling of the experiment. Access should be completed within a maximum of 18 months after acceptance.



    RIANA program reimburses travel and subsistence to user groups who fit the eligibility criteria. A maximum of two researchers per experiment/visit are entitled up to a maximum of 600 EUR reimbursement each, based on a calculated reimbursement of:

    -up to 300 EUR per user for travel costs

    -up to 50 EUR per night and per user for accommodation up to a maximum of 6 nights

    Meals are also covered as long as the overall reimbursement amount does not exceed the 600 EUR limitation.



    Users are entitled to reimbursement after submission of the User Feedback Form in the access portal. To receive reimbursement, Users should fill in the reimbursement form available on the website and send a signed version in PDF format together with invoices and receipts of travel and accommodation expenses to



    As recipient of financial support by the EU Commission via SOLEIL you must meet the EU reporting requirements:

    Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management” >> After experiment >> End of run reports" button.


    Top Menu “Proposal & Experiment Management >> After experiment >> Experimental report” button.


    • Users are obliged to acknowledge support from NFFA-Europe Pilot project by the following text string that needs to be literally included into the publication:

    “Funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon Europe call HORIZON-INFRA-2023-SERV-01 under grant agreement number 101130652. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union and the European Union cannot be held responsible for them.”


    • Acknowledge SOLEIL and please include the following statements:

    "Parts of this research were carried out at "beamline " at SOLEIL. We would like to thank N.N. for assistance during the experiment (if not co-author of the publication)"


    Top Menu “Proposal Management >> After experiment >> Publication