B-BEST – Bioproductions : biomasses, biotechnologies et technologies durables pour la chimie et les carburants
Biobased products; Sustainable chemistry; Biofuels; Biotechnologies; Biocatalysts; Biomass conversion; Natural and synthetic enzymes
Start date: 2023 – End date: 2029
The "Bioproductions (B-BEST): biomass, biotechnologies and sustainable technologies for chemistry and fuels" research program is part of the national "Biobased products and industrial biotechnologies - Sustainable fuels" acceleration strategy of the France 2030 plan. It has a budget of 65 million euros. Co-supervised by INRAE and IFPEN, this 7-year program began in 2023. The objectives include understanding biomass, engineering biological systems, efficiently converting biomass, developing advanced research tools, and evaluating the transition to a bioeconomy. This program addresses environmental challenges by promoting sustainability and the progressive decarbonization of activity.
SOLEIL is a partner of the targeted PEPR B-BEST FillingGaps project, “Biomass at all scales to understand its properties”.
ANR PEPR Batteries page
High energy density cells/batteries; Generation 5; Ni-free; Na-ion; Mn-rich; Metal-air; High potential electrolytes; BMS; Sensors; Condition indicators; Modeling; Digital twin; Eco-design
Start date: 2021 – End date: 2029
The PEPR Battery program, coordinated by the CNRS and the CEA, is part of the national Battery acceleration strategy of the France 20230 plan, and aims to develop research activities in 3 areas: innovative chemistries (all-solid technology, post-Li-ion chemistry), innovative battery management systems adapted to these new chemistries, and the development of new characterization and simulation tools to conduct this research. These activities will contribute to the development of new generations of batteries that are higher-performance, safer, lower-cost and longer-lasting than those currently on the market.
Soleil participates in the OPENSTORM targeted project, “Operando characterization of materials for energy storage: from the laboratory to large-scale instruments”.
CNRS - Framework Agreement
CNRS; SOLEIL; Framework agreement
Start date: 22/11/2022 – End date: on going
On November 22, 2022, the CNRS and SOLEIL signed a new five-year framework collaboration agreement following on from the 2003 agreement, aiming to streamline and strengthen joint scientific research. It underscores the complementary nature of CNRS and SOLEIL's research efforts and boosts the global appeal of French research.
DIADEM – Dispositifs intégrés pour l’accélérer du déploiement des matériaux émergents
Artificial intelligence; Materials; Sobriety; Digital simulation; Modeling; Database; Screening; High-throughput characterization; Accelerated discovery; Processes
Start date: 2022 – End date: 2030
Co-led by CNRS and CEA, the DIADEM exploratory Priority Research Program and Infrastructure (PEPR) aims to accelerate the use of innovative materials through artificial intelligence (AI). The program will establish four permanent platforms for "demonstration" projects showcasing key materials developed via innovative methods. DIADEM is a forward-thinking program designed to create and market high-performance, durable materials from non-critical and non-toxic raw materials, boosting the competitiveness of French industries and France's economic development. Funded by the French government's France 2030 plan, implemented by the ANR, DIADEM has a budget of nearly 85 million euros over 8 years.
Soleil participates in three different projects within the framework of the PEPR:
IFPEN – Framework Agreement
Catalysis; Geoscience; Biomass; Energy
Start date: 2013 – On going
Building strong collaborative partnerships, such as the one with IFPEN, is a way for SOLEIL to increase its impact. And for IFPEN, access to synchrotron radiation is essential in the research it conducts in the fields of catalysis, geosciences, and biomass characterization. Starting with a collaboration around catalysis and X-ray absorption, this partnership has proven to be exemplary. It has been extended to include new methods and themes, bringing even more benefits to both parties. Experiments at SOLEIL deal with a wide range of topics and are supported by in-house research that develops the most relevant methods for the users. The aim is to make even more progress in strategic areas central to the energy transition.
INRAE – Partnership Agreement
Life sciences; Agronomy; Environment
Start date: 2008 – On going
The partnership agreement is part of INRAE's and SOLEIL's common desire to promote their collaboration and to encourage exchanges of personnel in order to implement cutting-edge research. The pooling of human and technical resources, both through the realization of joint programs and through reflection on the methodologies and prospects associated with the evolution of SOLEIL's performance, should make it possible to develop and optimize scientific research in the fields of life sciences, agronomy and the environment, associated with the synchrotron tool. This partnership relies on an INRAE-SOLEIL platform for assisting INRAE users of the SOLEIL synchrotron radiation.
LUMA - L’interaction lumière-matière
Chirality; Circular dichroism; Chiral interactions; Self-assemblies; Nanostructuring; Photochemistry; CO2 capture; Solar fuels; Solar energy; Photodegradation; Photo(electro)catalysis; Nanoparticles; Ultrafast optics; Photodiagnostics; Photomedicines
Start date: 2023 – End date: 2030
The LUMA Priority Research Program and Equipment (PEPR), coordinated by the CNRS and the CEA, is an exploratory program within the framework of the France 2030 investment plan, implemented by the ANR. LUMA aims to harness the unique properties of light to explore and control numerous physicochemical and biological systems, at the interfaces between physics, chemistry, engineering, life sciences, health, heritage, and environmental sciences. With national ambitions, it aims to structure and channel the efforts of the French scientific community towards subjects with high scientific and socio-economic impact, to strengthen national research infrastructures at the highest international level and, finally, to increase the visibility and influence of this major strategic field.
Soleil participates in three different projects within the framework of the PEPR:
- PEPR LuMA OPERANDO / PROTOTYPAGE, (a targeted project) for the study of systems and devices in operation or on a large scale.
- PEPR LUMA TORNADO (funded under AMI PEPR LUMA 2023), a multi-scale, multi-dimensional approach to chiral light-matter interactions to enhance chiroptical responses.
- PEPR LUMA SYNFLUX-LUMICALS (funded under AMI PEPR LUMA 2023), a synchronization of photons, charges and molecules for optimized conversion of sunlight into fuels and chemicals.
MaTerRe – Advanced eco-responsible materials
Website DIM-MaTerRe
Eco-responsible materials; Advanced materials; Sustainable development; Energy; Environmentally friendly processes
Start date: 2022 – End date: 2026
The main objective of the DIM MaTerRE is to develop tools and methods for the accelerated discovery of advanced materials for sustainable development and new energies. Modular, multifunctional and high-performance, they will be manufactured using environmentally friendly processes and will thus contribute fully to tackling several essential societal challenges: transport, housing, energy, recycling, etc.
The DIM MaTerRE has been selected in 2022 under the program “Domaines de recherche et d'innovation majeurs (DIM)”. SOLEIL is one of the project partners.
PAMIR – Material Heritage
Heritage Materials
Start date: 2022 – End date: 2026
Building on the potential identified within the Ancient and Heritage Materials DIM (2016-2021), PAMIR aims to create a virtuous circle by associating the potential for research and training with that of economic development and valorisation among the public. The network aims to build innovative collaborative modes of operation by equipping itself with equipment and shared platforms based on innovative concepts.
The DIM PAMIR has been selected in 2022 under the program “Domaines de recherche et d'innovation majeurs (DIM)”. SOLEIL participates in this project.
QuanTiP – Quantum Technologies in Paris Region
Website DIM-QuanTiP
Quantum technologies
Start date: 2022 – End date: 2026
The QuanTiP project federates, in the competitive field of quantum technologies, a group of world-class academic teams and a pool of start-ups and companies in the Paris region. It combines applied mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, materials and engineering to address all the major issues in this field.
The DIM QuanTiP has been selected in 2022 under the program “Domaines de recherche et d'innovation majeurs (DIM)”. SOLEIL participates in this project.
SPIN - Spintronics
Topological spin texturing; Ultra-fast spintronics; RF and THz devices; Magnetic sensing; Artificial intelligence; Unconventional computing; Quantum spintronics; Advanced sensors.
Start date: 2022 - End date: 2029
The SPIN Priority Research Program and Equipment (PEPR) is an exploratory program within the framework of the France 2030 investment plan, implemented by the ANR. It aims to develop a new generation of components for a more frugal, agile, and sustainable digital world. Funded to the tune of 38 million euros over eight years, the SPIN Research Program is designed to help kick-start a new cycle of innovation in spintronics. Co-directed by CEA and CNRS, the program aims to address a range of scientific challenges, strengthen a national network for the development of innovative materials, and support innovative interdisciplinary research.
Soleil is a member of the PEPR SPINCHARAC targeted project, which aims to provide the infrastructure and instrumentation for the advanced characterization required to implement the SPIN research program.
TASE - Technologies avancées des systèmes énergétiques
HAL web page – PEPR TASE
Energy systems and vectors; Renewable; Photovoltaic and wind energy; Agrivoltaics; Electric mobility; Environmental impact assessment; Biodiversity; Advanced prediction methods
Start date: 2022 – End date: 2027
Coordinated by the CNRS and the CEA, the Advanced Technologies for Energy Systems (TASE) PEPR is part of the national namesake strategy of France 2030 plan. The PEPR aims to generate innovations in the fields of photovoltaic solar energy, floating wind energy and the emergence of flexible, resilient energy networks. The aim is to remove the barriers associated with the two technological issues of developing flexible and resilient energy networks and developing high-efficiency photovoltaic cells with minimal environmental impact.
SOLEIL is a member of the MINOTAURE project: Multimodal approach: in-situ, operando and ex-situ characterizations and simulations for new reliable photovoltaic cells generations funded under the AAP PEPR TASE 2023.