List of past collaborations and projects |
COXINEL - COherent Xray source INferred from Electrons accelerated by Laser
COXINEL Website - FP7 Ideas ERC
Laser Wakefield Accelerator (LWA); Free Electron Laser (FEL)
Start date:01/01/2014 – End date: 31/12/2018
COXINEL aimed at demonstrating the first lasing of an LWFA FEL and its detailed study in close interaction with the potential users. The key concept relies on an innovative electron beam longitudinal and transverse manipulation in the transport towards an undulator: a "demixing" chicane sorts the electrons in energy and reduces the spread from 1 % to a slice one of 0.1%, and the transverse density is maintained constant all along the undulator (supermatching). COXINEL enabled to master in Europe advanced schemes scalable to shorter wavelengths and pulses, paving the way towards FEL light sources on laboratory size, for fs time resolved experiments. Simulations for the COXINEL baseline reference case with 1 % energy spread, 1 mm.mrad emittance, 34 pC, 1 µm length shown that FEL amplification is possible with a 2 m long in-vacuum U20 undulator and down to 40 nm with an in-vacuum U15 undulators. During the first preliminary tests, the equipment’s commissioning started, and the electron beam was rapidly transported after the undulator when it was close, with a measured charge of 30 pC at the exit.
SOLEIL was the host institution and managed this FP7 Advanced ERC Grant.
ExPaNDS – EOSC Photon and Neutron Data Services
EOSC; Photon and Neutron RIs; FAIR data; Open data; Metadata catalogue; EOSC Data Analysis Services; Community engagement; Community training
Start date: 01/09/2019 – End date: 28/02/2023
ExPaNDS is the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Photon and Neutron Data Service. The ambitious ExPaNDS project is a collaboration between 10 national Photon and Neutron Research Infrastructures (PaN RIs) as well as EGI. The project aims to deliver standardised, interoperable, and integrated data sources and data analysis services for Photon and Neutron facilities. The outcomes of this project have been the publication of open data, the development of federated open data catalogues, EOSC-ready community Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI), and services for remote data analysis, simulation and an e-learning platform.
SOLEIL is a partner of this project, which is coordinated by DESY and funded under the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.
MAX IV – Cooperation Agreement
New large-scale facility; Technical and scientific skills; Design
Start date: 2011
The MAX lab synchrotron on the Lund University campus was replaced with a new synchrotron called MAX IV. Sweden made it known that it would like to benefit from SOLEIL’s scientific know-how during the construction of this new large-scale facility. As a result of this request, SOLEIL collaborated closely with the team overseeing this project. Experts at SOLEIL provided their technical and scientific skills and trained students and engineers working on the design and running of this new Swedish synchrotron.
TRANSLOCATION - Molecular basis of the outer membrane permeability
IMI Translocation – FP7 Joint Technology Initiative
Résistance antimicrobienne ; Maladies infectieuses ; New Drugs for Bad Bugs (ND4BB) ; Découverte de médicaments
Start date: 01/01/2013 – End date: 30/06/2018
The project TRANSLOCATION completed a five-year exploration of the ways in which bad bacteria protect themselves from attack by antibiotics. The project partners studied the proteins in the membranes of Gram-negative bacteria that can allow drug entry, and the efflux pumps that flush them out once they’ve found a way in. The project has solved several basic research questions and produced a wealth of new data that will contribute to solving persistent problems that are stalling the development of new antibiotics. The project also created a database to gather disparate data from other IMI antimicrobial resistance (AMR) projects and previous antimicrobial studies as a resource for researchers.
SOLEIL was one of the partners of this project, funded under the FP7-JTI - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Joint Technology Initiatives.