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Samples declaration

During your proposal submission, you have to indicate every sample, substance and/or ancillary equipement you might bring to SOLEIL for your experiment.


Only declared material and assessed by the Safety group can be selected once your proposal has been accepted.

Samples, substances and ancillary equipement declaration


Samples and substances declaration

We remind you that each sample or each sample family as well as eventual ligand(s) have to be declared on-line on SUN set.
Please, pay attention that all samples or substances brought to SOLEIL by users remain entirely under their responsibility and must have been declared on-line and approved by SOLEIL safety group.

Samples declaration is possible:

  • During proposals' submission, you have to declare all the samples you might bring to SOLEIL for your experiment;
  • After proposal approval : it is possible, for exceptional cases, to modify some samples or bring in some more, as "post-declared" samples. It is done in the Main Proposer menu, in "Before experiment" TAB with the "Sample" icon in the SUN set, no later than 1 month before the beginning of your experiment.


Any request about modifications made after this delay will not be accepted.

NB: On SUN set the main proposer should have selected the necessary sample environment according to the beamline, the branch and the experimental station requested (in the "scientific general part" of the proposal).


Please find all safety requirements...


Ancillary equipement declaration and importation

Some users may need their own equipment to carry out their experiments. 

Any ancillary equipment brought by users must be declared either:

  • During proposals' submission ("Ancilllary" form);
  • After proposal approval : for exceptional cases, it is possible to add an equipment, as "post-declared" 'samples'. It is done in the Main Proposer menu, in "Before experiment" TAB with the "Sample" icon in the SUN set, no later than 1 month before the beginning of your experiment.

Please note that all equipment brought at SOLEIL by users:

  • must be in conformity with French regulations (mechanical, electrical, high pressure, …);
  • remains entirely under their responsibility and must have been declared on-line and approved by SOLEIL safety group.

In any case, the user is invited to contact the beamline manager.

In so far as there is no permanent storage section at SOLEIL, please contact the beamline manager to examine the eventual possibilities.


Please find all safety requirements...