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Peer-review committees and proposals evaluation

In the framework of public research, a peer-rewied evaluation system (committees) has been set up at SOLEIL to allocate beamtime.


Beamtime requests are evaluated and ranked by peer-review committees on the basis of scientifical and/or technological quality and releavance of synchrotron radiation use.

Please find below all the peer-review committees and their members.


Committees constitution is periodically renewed and adapted to the evolution of thematic areas.

Results are validated by SOLEIL Scientific Direction.

Peer-review committees

Committees members are nominated for a two years and a half renewable period, by tacit agreement.

Scientific Committee members can be invited to take part to a peer-review committee.

Each committee is formed with a sufficient number of  members to cover the full range of subfield of the research area.

Physical meetings take place twice a year: second half of November and April.


At the end of every meeting, each committee chair provide a report adressed to SOLEIL Direction and the Scientific Committee.

This report contains:

- observations on the quality and objectives of proposals,

- notification of hot topics,

- recommandations on possible improvements for either beamlines or beamtime allocation method.



Scientific fields

Review panels will cover the following area:

1. Diluted matter

2. Electronic and magnetic properties of matter - Surfaces and Interfaces

3. Matter and material properties: Structure, Organisation, Charactérisation, Elaboration

4. Chemistry and physico-chemistry - Reactivity in situ - Soft matter

5. Biology - Health

6. Ancient materials - Environment and Earth

For more details on scientific fields, please PDF icon cliquez ici (371.92 KB)


Peer Review Committee 1 - Diluted matter 

Chair/ Members



Chair Jennifer NOBLE Lab. Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (France)
Vice-Chair Florian TRINTER Deutsches Elektronen - Synchrotron DESY (Germany)
Member Rodolphe ANTOINE Inst. Lumière Matière - Lyon (France)
Member Clément LAUZIN Inst. of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (Belgium)
Member Michael MARTINS Univ. Hamburg - DESY (Germany)
Member Maria Novella PIANCASTELLI Lab. de Chimie Physique - Matière et Rayonnement (France)
Member Ivan POWIS Univ. of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Member Amanda ROSS Inst. Lumière Matière - Lyon (France)
Member Véronique VUITTON Inst. de Planétologie et Astrophysique de Grenoble - INSU; INC (France)
Member Noelle WALSH Lund University - Max IV (Sweden)

(Last update: 11/12/2024)


Peer Review Committee 2 - Electronic and magnetic properties of matter - Surfaces and Interfaces

Chair / Members



Chair Richard MATTANA Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales - Palaiseau (France)
Vice-Chair Matthieu BUGNET Matériaux Ingénierie et Science - INSA Lyon (France)
Member Amandine BELLEC Lab. de Physique des Solides (France)
Member Francesco BISIO Istituto Superconduttori, materiali innovativi e avanzati - SPIN / CNR (Italy)
Member Alessandro BOMBARDI DIAMOND (United Kingdom)
Member Antonija GRUBISIC-CABO Univ. of Groningen (Netherlands)
Member Charles GUILLEMARD Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (France)
Member Thomas JAOUEN Inst. de Physique de Rennes (France)
Member Kevin LOVELOCK Univ. of Reading (United Kingdom)
Member Claude MONNEY University of Fribourg (Suisse)
Member Daniela PACILE Univ. della Calabria (Italy)
Member Daniele PREZIOSI IPCMS-Strasbourd (France)
Member Michael SCHILLER Centro de Fisica de Materiales - San Sebastian (Spain)
Member Marcin SIKORA

AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)

Member Rainer TIMM Lund Univ.(Sweden)

(Last update: 11/12/2024)


Peer Review Committee 3 - Matter and material properties: Structure, Organisation, Charactérisation, Elaboration

Chair / Members



Chair Franck VIDAL INSP - Paris (France)
Vice-Chair Vittoria PISCHEDDA Inst. Lumière Matière - Villeurbanne (France)
Member Pascal ANDREAZZA Interfaces, Confinement, Matériaux et Nanostructures - Orléans (France)
Member Daniele ANTONANGELI Inst. de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condensés - Paris (France)
Member Alexandre BOULLE Inst. de Recherche sur les Céramiques (France)
Member Camille CHATEAU Ecole des ponts Paristech (France)
Member Frédéric DATCHI Inst. de Minéralogie et de Physique des Milieux Condensés (France)
Member Agnès DEWAELE CEA / DAM /DIF (France)
Member Stéphanie ESCOUBAS Lab. Physique des Interactions Ioniques et Moléculaires (France)
Member Damien FAURIE Lab. des Sciences des Procédés et des Matériaux (France)
Member Roberto FELICI CRN-SPIN (Italy)
Member Pierre GODARD Université de Poitiers, Poitiers (France)
Member Uta HEJRAL Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden)
Member Vincent KLOSEK CEA (France)
Member Chiara MAURIZIO Univ. di Padova - Physics Dept. (Italy)
Member Anny MICHEL Institut Pprime (France)
Member Dominik SCHANIEL Cristallographie, Résonnance Magnétique et Modélisation (France)
Member Marc VERDIER INP Grenoble (France)

  (Last update: 11/12/2024)


Peer Review Committee 4 - Chemistry and physico-chemistry - Reactivity in situ - Soft matter

Chair / Members



Chair Eric MARCEAU Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide - Villeneuve d'Ascq (France)
Vice-Chair Erwan PAINEAU Lab. de Physique des Solides (France)
Member Benjamin ABECASSIS Laboratoire de Chimie - ENS Lyon (France)
Member Giovani AGOSTINI ELETTRA (Italy)
Member Giovani BIRARDA ELETTRA (Italy)
Member Guillaume BROTONS Université du Mans (France)
Member Aram BUGAEV Paul Scherrer Inst. (France)
Member Maria CASAPU Karlsruhe Inst. of Technology (Germany)
Member Bruno DOMENICHINI Lab. Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne (France)
Member Thomas DUMAS CEA Marcoule (France)
Member Marcus FEHSE Inst. Charles Gerhardt Montpellier - INC; INEE (France)
Member Vladimir GALVITA Ghent Univ. (Belgium)
Member Alessandro LONGO DUBBLE CRG beamline - BM26 - ESRF (France)
Member Marta MIROLO ESRF - Grenoble (France)
Member Guillaume VIGNAUD Inst. de Recherche Dupuy de Lôme (France)
Member Axel WILSON Lab. de Réactivité de Surface (France)

 (Last update: 11/12/2024)


Peer Review Committee 5 - Biology - Health

Chair / Members



Chair Thibaut CREPIN Inst. Biologie Structurale (France)
Vice-Chair Slavka KASCAKOVA Hôpital Paul Brousse, Paris (France)
Member Sam BAYAT INSERM (France)
Member Martin BECH Lund University (Sweden)
Member Coralie BOMPARD Unité de Glycobiologie Structurale et Fonctionnelle - Lille (France)
Member Luc BOUSSET Inst. des Neurosciences Paris-Saclay (France)
Member Asuncion CARMONA Centre d'Etudes Nucléaires de Bordeaux Gradignan (France)
Member Christine CHAPPARD Laboratoire de Bioingénierie et Biomécanique Ostéoarticulaires (France)
Member Fabien CHAUVEAU Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon (France)
Member Christophe CHEVALIER INRA Jouy en Josas (France)
Member Pierre-Damien COUREUX IBCP (France)
Member François FERRON Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (France)
Member Zaineb FOURATI KAMMOUN Lab. de Cristallographie and RMN Biologique - Paris (France)
Member Arnaud GRUEZ Lorraine Univ. (France)
Member Rozenn LE HIR Inst. Jean-Pierre Bourgin (France)
Member Laurent MAVEYRAUD Inst. de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale (France)
Member Olivier PIOT Matrice Extracellulaire et Dynamique Cellulaire - Reims (France)
Member Olena PYLYPENKO Inst. Curie (France)
Member Véronique RECEVEUR-BRECHOT Bioénergétique et ingénierie des protéines - INSB; INC (France)
Member Virgine ROPARS CEA Saclay (France)
Member Anna SARTORI-RUPP Inst. Pasteur (France)
Member Giulia VERONESI CEA Grenoble (France)

(Last update: 11/12/2024)


Peer Review Committee 6 - Ancient materials - Environment and Earth

Chair / Members



Chair Alejandro FERNANDEZ-MARTINEZ Inst.des Sciences de la Terre, Grenoble (France)
Vice-Chair Emeline POUYET Sorbonne Univ. (France)
Member Fabrizio BARDELLI CNR - Rome (Italy)
Member Blanche COLLIN Aix-Marseille université - CEREGE, Aix-en-Provence (France)
Member Kathleen DOLLMAN ESRF - Grenoble (France)
Member Nicolas FINCK Inst. for Nuclear Waste Disposal, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Member Sylvain GRANGEON Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (France)
Member Charles LE LOSQ Inst. de Physique du Globe, Paris (France)
Member Kevin LEPOT Univ. Lille (France)
Member Céline PISAPIA Inst. de Physique du Globe de Paris (France)

(Last update: 11/12/2024)



Proposals evaluation


Technical feasability and security group validation

Before peer-review committees meetings, beamlines managers provide their assessment on the consistency of the beamline choice and the technical feasability of the proposal.

If a proposal is considered not technicaly feasable by the beamline manager, he advise to decline beamtime for the proposal.


After peer-review committees meetings, SOLEIL safety group assess the accepted proposals (samples safety forms and experimental method).

As much as possible, the safety group suggests to withdraw one or more samples, to allow the proposal acceptance.

If this is not possible, the proposal is declined.


Proposals ranking

Committees members rank proposals on the basis of their scientific excellence after beeing informed about their technical feasability.


Every proposal is ranked using the following scoring system, and an internal ranking is performed between each grade :

Grades 9 to 8: Excellent project to which time must be absolutely allocated.

Grades 7 to 6: Project which must be accepted due to its scientific quality or to an ambitious instrumental development.

Grades 5 to 4: Project which can be accepted if enough time is available.

Grades 3 to 2: Project which must not be accepted due to an insufficient scientific quality or to a problem in the instrumental method.

Grade 1: Eliminatory note due to failure in one of the critical criteria.


Rating criteria are detailled below, absence of any of the first 4 categories is eliminatory:

1. Scientific excellence

2. Capacity of the team: expertise to perform experiment / to analyse data / publications

3. Innovative character

4. Good use of SR beamline

5. Clear presentation of the proposal

- Failure to submit an experimental report without good reason (illness, late scheduling of experiment….) means rejection of the proposal.

- Publication, for a specific project or sub project (BAG) is expected within 2 years of the first experiment. Failure to publish after this period means rejection of a continuation project unless detailed experimental report explains, to the satisfaction of PRC, why publication was not possible.



After peer-review committees meetings, the Main proposer of the proposals is informed of SOLEIL Scientific Direction decision.

If the proposal is accepted, the Main proposer is notified by email of the number of shifts allocated to carry out the experiment.

If the proposal is declined, the Main proposer is notified by email of the result and received a report detailling the reason of the rejection.


Results are disclosed to users as soon as possible after committees meetings:

- Around the 15th of December for the call of September,

- Around the 15th of May for the call of February.