Development of detection systems for X-rays imaging and spectroscopy
(Groupe Détecteurs, Synchrotron SOLEIL, Gif sur Yvette, France)
Vendredi 17 janvier 2025 – 14h00- Amphithéâtre SOLEIL
This presentation gives an overview of my research work in the last 14 years, dedicated mainly to the development and test of detectors with its associated electronics for X-ray imaging and spectroscopy. The work describes different developments of Micromegas gaseous detectors for solar axion search in CAST and IAXO experiments, for dark matter search in the form of WIMPs in MIMAC and TREX-DM experiments, and as optical
readout in Glass-Mesh project. After a small interlude treating PICOSEC project for ultrafast timing of charged particle, the development of Energy Dispersive Detectors (EDX) and digital pulse processors for synchrotron experiments is described. The work is completed with three simulation chains developed to model the detector response of Micromegas and multi-element germanium detectors
Membres du jury :
Kostas Nikolopoulos - Professeur, Universität Hamburg - Rapporteur
Federico Sánchez - Professeur, Université Genève - Rapporteur
Philippe Schwemling - Professeur, Université Paris Cité - Rapporteur
Thomas Patzak - Professeur, Université Paris Cité - Examinateur
Anna Colaleo - Directrice de Recherche, INFN-Bari - Examinatrice
Maxim Titov - Directeur de Recherche, Université Paris-Saclay - Examinateur
Aline Meuris - Directrice de Recherche, Université Paris-Saclay - Examinatrice
L’Orme des merisiers - Saint-Aubin - 91190 GIF S/YVETTE