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Laureates of the physics Olympics win a VIP visit to SOLEIL !

On June 8 and 9, 2021, we welcomed a group of 4 laureates of the physics Olympics, from Maxence Van Der Meersch high school in Roubaix (France), accompanied by their teacher.

Their project, which made them one of the winning groups, consisted of manufacturing and optimizing an "Organettissimo" organ, using a 3D printer, their inspiration being the music of Harry Potter films. And it allowed them to win this trip to SOLEIL!

Tuesday was devoted to discovering SOLEIL and its activities. With our relay teacher, Valérie Peduzy, they visited SOLEIL and more particularly two beamlines: DISCO and AILES (a big thank you to Matthieu REFREGIERS, head of the DISCO beamline, and to Rebecca CERVASIO, doctoral student on AILES).

To continue their day pleasantly, SOLEIL has reserved accommodation for them in Paris. They were able to spend the end of the afternoon and the beginning of the evening there while, of course, respecting the curfew time, which was still at 9 p.m.

The morning of June 9 was dedicated to the visit of the IRFU (Institute for Research on the Fundamental Laws of the Universe), our neighbors of the CEA, with themes ranging from astrophysics to nuclear physics: a journey from the infinitely small to the infinitely large!

Congratulations to these young science enthusiasts and their teacher!