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SOLEIL: a non-profit civil company

SOLEIL is managed as a non-profit civil company according to French law. The members of the SOLEIL company are the CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) and the CEA (Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission). The company is potentially open to French and foreign partners. The Île de France region, the Departmental Council of Essonne and the Centre region, likewise wished to contribute to the project and are key partners. 

signature SOLEIL Synchrotron

On 16 October 2001 the CNRS and the CEA created the non-profit civil company, Synchrotron SOLEIL, which was called upon to manage the construction and then the operation of SOLEIL. They respectively hold 72% and 28% of the shares. For their part the region Île de France and the Departmental Council of Essonne have funded €183 million of investment. The Centre region is likewise a partner in SOLEIL.

The company has 350 permanent staff divided across administrative, technical and scientific sectors.

The statutes of the civil company "Synchrotron SOLEIL" were signed on 16 October 2001 by the Director General of the CNRS and the General Administrator of the CEA; the company is registered at the Registry of the Tribunal of Commerce of Evry (Essonne).

Owned by the CNRS and the CEA
D 439 684 903 00016 R.C.S. EVRY (Essonne)
Intracommunity VAT no: FR 27 439 684 903
NAF 7219Z 
(Research and development in the physical sciences)
INSEE G 9101 684947-1

logo CNRS logo CEA logo ile-de-france logo essonne logo region centre


The Board of SOLEIL comprises...

- 3 representatives of the CNRS:
Dominique MASSIOT, Directeur de l'Institut de Chimie (Président),
Gabriel CHARDIN, Président du Comité des très grands équipements scientifiques et grandes infrastructures,
Alain SCHUHL, Directeur de l'Institut de Physique ;  

- 3 representatives of the CEA:
Maria FAURY, Directrice Internationale et des Très Grandes Infrastructures de Recherche à la Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale (Vice-Présidente),
Jean-Michel CHAPUT, Directeur Adjoint de la Direction des Applications Militaires,
Jean-Philippe BOURGOIN, Directeur des Analyses Stratégiques.

Moreover it is surrounded by experts and can permanently or temporarily invite representatives of external organisations or bodies. The Board relies on a number of Committees which formulate opinions or recommendations in different fields: the Scientific Committee, the Machine Committee, the Administrative and Financial Committee, the Contracts and Purchasing Committee.


Scientific Advisory Committee, SAC: 

  • Isabelle DANIEL (Chair), Université de Lyon, France
  • Nicholas BROOKES (Vice-Chair), European Synchrotron Research Facility, Grenoble, France
  • Gwyndaf EVANS, Diamond Light Source, Didcot, United Kingdom
  • Luca GREGORATTI, Elettra Sincrotone Trieste, Italie
  • Anne IMBERTY, CERMAV - CNRS (DRCE), Grenoble, France
  • Stephen Douglas KEVAN, University of Oregon, Eugene, USA
  • Sandrine LYONNARD, IRIG, SyMMES, Grenoble, France
  • Arantzazu MASCARAQUE, Dpto. Física de Materiales, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
  • Ina REICHE, FR 3506 / UAR Lab-BC CNRS – C2RMF – ChimieParistech-PSL, Paris, France
  • Chrystèle SANLOUP, IMPMC, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
  • Claude SAUTER, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Strasbourg, France
  • Christian SCHROER, DESY Photon Science & Universität, Hambourg, Germany
  • Thomas SHEPPARD, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Chemical Technology and Polymer Chemistry, Universität Leipzig, Karlsruhe / Leipzig, Germany
  • Stacey Ristinmaa SÖRENSEN, University, Synchrotron Radiation Research, Lund, Sweden
  • Marco STAMPANONI, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, University and ETH Zürich ; Paul Scherrer Institut, Photon Science Division, Zürich / Villigen, Suisse
  • Olivier THOMAS, Institut Matériaux Microélectronique Nanosciences de Provence, Marseille, France


Machine Advisory Committee, MAC: 

  • Richard WALKER (Chair), Diamond Light Source, UK
  • Masamitsu AIBA, SLS, Switzerland
  • Eshraq AL DMOUR, MAX-IV, Sweden
  • Jean-Claude BIASCI, ESRF-EBS, France
  • Jean-Paul BURNET, CERN, France
  • Ciro CALZOLAIO, SLS, Switzerland
  • Katherine HARKAY, APS-U, USA
  • Jorn JACOB, ESRF-EBS, France
  • Roberto KERSEVAN, CERN, France
  • Liu LIN, SIRIUS, Brazil
  • Pantaleo RAIMONDI, SLAC, USA
  • Gunther REHM, BESSY, Germany
  • Christoph STEIER, ALS-U, USA
  • Pedro TAVARES, MAX-IV, Sweden
  • Markus TISCHER, DESY, Germany


Strategic Orientation Committee for Industry at SOLEIL  (Comité d’Orientations Stratégiques pour l’Industrie à SOLEIL, COSIS) :

  • Ronan STEPHAN, Chair
  • Philippe BARBARAT, L’OREAL
  • Magali MATHIEU, SANOFI, Co-chair

Introductory video