Joining Synchrotron SOLEIL means working at an outstanding facility, right the heart of the Saclay Plateau. Synchrotron SOLEIL is a multidisciplinary instrument and a research laboratory. It operates 24 hours a day and requires many skills and abilities.
The advantage of our site lies in the many professions exercised in a multicultural setting. As such, we are looking for people with scientific, technical and administrative skills to deliver our research projects and host French and international researchers.
350 people in the permanet staff
Our recruitment policy:
450 men and women, representing some thirty different nationalities, work at Synchrotron SOLEIL for research and industry. |
We need to recruit people from all backgrounds, mainly to deal with technical and technological developments, and to replace those leaving or retiring. Positions available with us can be filled by direct recruiting on permanent contracts, but also through secondments or temporary assignments for officers (from the CNRS, CEA, INRA, and other public sector organisations, such as universities) through, in particular, mobility agreements that facilitate exchange terms and conditions. This is how a large number of technicians, engineers and researchers have joined SOLEIL since 2002.
A hundred or more people to boost our permanent staff
We take PhD students (on 3-year PhD training contracts) and Post-Doc students (on 1 or 2-year Post-Doc training contracts) from around the world to take part in research programmes, whether in the science (physics, chemistry, materials, etc.), or technical subjects such as magnetism, etc.
We consider training young people to be part of our mission.
At the start of each academic year, SOLEIL recruits several young people on apprenticeship contracts to prepare for BTS, DUT or DEUST courses, as well as degrees or engineering degrees. Apprentices enjoy the same arrangements as laboratory staff throughout the period of their apprenticeship contracts (which can last 1-3 years) and must comply with the same rules.
Each year, SOLEIL also offers internships for students who want to complete their training by professional work experience as part of an internship agreement issued by the school. These internships form part of the curriculum and are undertaken on advantageous financial terms. This includes, a bonus tied to the duration of the internship and the degree level concerned, a capped reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs and, possibly, a bonus payment at the end of the internship.
French 3ème and 2nde high school pupils can also discover activities connected with our synchrotron or gain more in-depth knowledge about a particular profession.
When needs arise, we occasionally bring in temporary staff through temping companies, or by recruiting on fixed-term contracts.
For all recruitment matters, please contact:
Virginie FALDUTI - Tél :