SixS (Surfaces interfaces x-ray Scattering) is a wide-energy range (5 -20 keV) beamline dedicated to structural studies of interfaces (gas-solid, solid-solid or solid-liquid), as well as nano-objects.
SixS (Surface Interface X-ray Scattering) is a beamline dedicated to the study of X-ray scattering from surfaces and interfaces of hard and soft matter in various environments in the 5-20 keV energy range. To be sensitive to the surface all the studies will be performed in grazing-incidence geometry. The beamline will be equipped with two experimental hutches, which will be dedicated to the study of surfaces, interfaces and nano-objets prepared:
- in-situ under UHV (Ultra High Vacuum, i.e. 10-10 mbar) conditions. A diffractometer will allow to measure X-ray scattering from samples under UHV;
- in various environments (catalysis chambers, soft matter, electrochemical cells). A diffractometer coupled with exchangeable chambers will be able to measure X-ray scattering from sample surfaces both in vertical or horizontal geometries.
Grazing Incidence X-ray Diffraction (GIXD), Grazing Incidence Small Angle X-ray Scattering (GISAXS), anomalous surface X-ray scattering, X-Ray Reflectivity (XRR), magnetic surface X-ray scattering and coherent scattering experiments will be performed on both the facilities.

Chercheur associé
Yves Garreau
Données techniques
5 keV - 20 keV
E/ΔE ~ 10-4 à 20 keV
In-vacuum U20 undulator.
Source Size (sigma, μm): 388 (H) x 8.1 (V)
Source Divergence (sigma, μrad): 14.5 (H) x 4.6 (V)
Quarter-wave plate (to be installed)
Fixed exit DCM Si(111)
M1, M2 mirror for harmonics rejection and vertical focussing
M3A mirror for horizontal focussing on the MED end-station (to be installed)
M3B for horizontal focussing on the UHV end-station
Two experimental end-stations
MED: multi-environment diffractometer
UHV: diffractometer coupled to an UHV vacuum chamber
MED: 40(H) x 25(V) µm2
UHV: 30(H) x 30(V) µm2
MED: 600 µrad (H) x 120 µrad (V)
UHV: 600 µrad (H) x 60 µrad (V)
4 x 1013 ph/s @ 6 keV
3 x 1012 ph/s @ 15 keV
Thématiques scientifiques
En construction
Documents à télécharger