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11 septembre 2017 14h • Amphithéâtre de SOLEIL

Mirjam van Daalen

(Chief of Staff Photon Science Divison, Paul Scherrer Institut, Science Officer SwissFEL, Villigen, Schweiz)

The Umbrella is an identity system designed by the European Neutron and Photon source facilities (PaNs’). It aims to make life easier and science more productive both for the facilities and their users.

The Umbrella first of all provides any PaN-user (and effectively anyone interested in scientific discovery) with a unique identity, the UmbrellaID. Equipped with such an ID a user can go on a virtual journey around the facilities with a single sign-on. Since the same Identity is known at each of the facilities, a user can more simply access or share data, manage administrative processes or make use of federated services and infrastructures provided by the PaNs’.

The Umbrella is a joint project of the PaNs’ and other facilities with similar needs for an Identity Management System. The joint nature of this undertaking is the major benefit for the facilities. It permits to share the efforts developing and maintaining the Umbrella system.

For more information see


Formalités d’entrée :

Merci de vous munir d’une pièce d’identité à échanger à l’accueil contre un badge d’accès.

Contact : Sandrine Vasseur

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