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Thèse SOLEIL - Ruiqiao GUO - 28/11/2023 - 14h00 - Grand Amphi SOLEIL

Mardi 28 novembre 2023 Amphithéâtre SOLEIL

Methodological development and implementation of fast quantitative hard X-ray fluorescence multi-length-scale tomography for next-generation X-ray imaging at the NANOSCOPIUM beamline of SOLEIL synchrotron and its application to study physico-chemical processes involved in the pathologic calcifications

Ruiqiao GUO
(Ligne NANOSCOPIUM, Synchrotron SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette)                     

Mardi 28 novembre 2023 – 14h00
(Amphithéâtre SOLEIL)

This thesis focuses on advancing scanning hard X-ray fluorescence tomography for 3D quantitative imaging in complex systems at the NANOSCOPIUM beamline. It offers insights into elemental distribution with high spatial resolution. Collaborating with NANOSCOPIUM, APHP (Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris), and the ICP (Institut de Chimie Physique), the application study focuses on urolithiasis. Specifically, it delves into the formation of Randall's plaques (RP) in renal papillae. Recent mesoscale studies suggest a correlation between trace elements like Zinc and RP formation. To elucidate Zn's role, a crucial aspect involves a few-hundred-nanometer resolution 3D study of Zn concentration. The developed fast quantitative XRF tomography enables the investigation of multiple samples, enhancing our comprehension of physico-chemical processes in pathology relationships.

Les membres du jury sont :
Karim BENZERARA - Directeur de recherche - Sorbonne Université - Rapporteur/Examinateur
Ina REICHE - Directrice de recherche -Chimie ParisTech - Rapporteur/Examinatrice
Hester COLBOC - Maître de conférence - Sorbonne Univ., Hôpital Rothschild - Examinatrice
Sophie KAZAMIAS - Professeure - Université Paris-Saclay - Examinatrice
Patricia WILS - Ingénieur de recherche - Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle - Examinatrice
Kadda MEDJOUBI - Scientifique de ligne - Synchrotron SOLEIL - Directeur de thèse
Dominique BAZIN -Directeur de recherche - Institut de Chimie Physique - Invité
Magdalena BORUCHOWSKA - Professeure - AGH Uni. of Science and Technology - Invitée
Andrea SOMOGYI - Responsable de ligne - Synchrotron SOLEIL - Invitée

L’Orme des merisiers – Route départementale 128 - 91190 Saint-Aubin

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