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Séminaire Upgrade - Perspectives in photovoltaic conversion of solar energy and material science issues

Lundi 10 septembre 2018 14h • Amphithéâtre de SOLEIL

Jean-François Guillemoles

Institut Photovoltaïque d’Île-de-France (IPVF), Palaiseau, France

Starting with an introduction on the basic principles and  the state of the art in photovoltaics, the presentation will then present todays issues with photovoltaic devices (performance, cost, lifetime, sustainability, …) and pathways explored to overcome them.
This will encompass c-Si and thin films approaches, including organic or hybrid organic-inorganic materials, including the now famous hybrid perovskites, with a focus on needs for material characterization. Finally, new device concepts and realizations for very high efficiency devices (>50%) will be presented, which proposes new challenges in physics, in material science, and in technology.


Formalités d’entrée :

Accès libre dans l’amphi du pavillon d’Accueil.
Si la manifestation a lieu dans le Grand Amphi SOLEIL du Bâtiment Central merci de vous munir d’une pièce d’identité (à échanger à l’accueil contre un badge d’accès)

Contact : Sandrine Vasseur

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