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Séminaire Upgrade - Infrared spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation sources for solid-state physics

6 mai 2019 14h • Amphithéâtre de SOLEIL


(CNR-SPIN and Università di Roma La Sapienza, Roma, Italy)


Since the first observation of infrared emission from a synchrotron (1982), the advantages of this broad-band, brilliant source with respect to conventional black bodies have been increasingly recognized. In solid-state physics, they are particularly appreciated for the frequent need to investigate small single crystals, ultrathin films, or samples in diamond anvil cells. Recent technical developments also allow to break the diffraction limit, pushing the infrared lateral resolution towards the nanoscale. A panorama of those applications will be presented, and recent experiments on 2D electron systems at the beamline AILES of SOLEIL will be discussed.


Formalités d’entrée :

Accès libre dans l’amphi du pavillon d’Accueil.
Si la manifestation a lieu dans le Grand Amphi SOLEIL du Bâtiment Central merci de vous munir d’une pièce d’identité (à échanger à l’accueil contre un badge d’accès)

Contact : Sandrine Vasseur

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