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Seminaire Upgrade - Design of well-defined, hierarchical and smart catalysts for a sustainable world

Lundi 3 décembre 14h • Amphithéâtre de SOLEIL

Paolo Fornasiero

(Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, 34127, Italy)

The study of catalytic processes starting from well- defined materials that are tuned in morphology, composition and shape is opening new perspectives for catalyst design. Use of nanocrystals in CO oxidation turned out to be crucially dependent on the interfacial contact of the support (ceria) with the metal nanoparticle active sites [1], while valorization of biomasses were employed as reactants for catalysis by carbon-supported, Pt and PtCo nanocrystals (NCs) with controlled size and composition [2]. A particular type of structure is represented by nanosized core-shell phases, which proved to be superior catalysts in several catalytic reactions, such as methane combustion [3] as well as photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from biomass-derived substrates [4-6] or electrocatalytic water electrolysis [7] when integrated with multi-walled carbon nanotubes. Metal free nanocatalysts [8] and “intelligent” catalysts [9] are todays challenging but every day, nanotechnology applied to heterogeneous catalysts is creating new opportunities for important breakthroughs.


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Contact : Sandrine Vasseur

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