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Seminaire upgrade : Cryo Soft X-ray Tomography of Cells

2 juillet 2018 14h • Amphithéâtre de SOLEIL


(MISTRAL beamline, Experiments Division, ALBA SYNCHROTRON LIGHT SOURCE, Barcelona, Spain)


Cryo soft X-ray tomography can provide relevant structural information of complex cellular phenomena with chemical sensitivity. Functional studies are achieved by correlating this information with visible light fluorescence on the same cell, but also by combining electron microscopy or even X-ray fluorescence. Examples of correlative studies will be presented [1, 2, 3]. In addition, we have explored two ways of improving the spatial resolution and the visibility of the cellular ultrastructure by means of dual axis tomography and multifocal tomography [4]. Examples will also be shown.


[1] Pérez-Berná et al. ACS Nano 10, 6597-6611 (2016)
[2] Varsano et al. JACS 138: 14931-14940 (2016)
[3] Kapishnikov et al. Sc. Rep. 7: 802 (2017)
[4] Otón et al. Sc. Reports, 7: 45808 (2017)


Formalités d’entrée :

Accès libre dans l’amphi du pavillon d’Accueil.
Si la manifestation a lieu dans le Grand Amphi SOLEIL du Bâtiment Central merci de vous munir d’une pièce d’identité (à échanger à l’accueil contre un badge d’accès)

Contact : Sandrine Vasseur

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