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Seminaire SOLEIL-Zoltán NEMETH-Lundi 07/10/24-10h00-Amphi SOLEIL

Lundi 07/10/24 Amphithéâtre SOLEIL

EXAFS in the lab – widening the potential user base of synchrotrons with commercial laboratory X-ray spectrometers

(LynXes Innovation Ltd. & HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Budapest, Hungary)

Lundi 7 octobre 2024 – 10h00 - Amphithéâtre SOLEIL

Laboratory X-ray source based high-energy-resolution spectrometers have been showing a renaissance that culminated in radical progression recently. Although techniques like X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure (XANES), Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) or X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES) were pioneered mainly on laboratory scale instruments, they have matured dramatically with the advent of synchrotron X-ray sources. The obvious excellence of these large scale photon sources in terms of X-ray brilliance, energy tunability, polarization, pulsed time structure, etc. over the conventional X-ray tubes turned the techniques mentioned dependent almost exclusively on occasionally accessible synchrotron beamtimes. However, the emergence of modern laboratory X-ray tube based spectrometers in the recent decade is being widely recognised, which give rise to a clear demand for such instruments.

[1] Z. Németh, J. Szlachetko, É.G. Bajnóczi, G. Vankó, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87(10), 2016, 103105.
[2] É.G. Bajnóczi, Z. Németh, G. Vankó, Inorg. Chem. 56(22), 2017, 14220.
[3] Z. Németh, É.G. Bajnóczi, Cs Bogdan, G. Vankó, PhysChemChemPhys 21(18), 2019, 9239.
[4] Z. Németh, A. Mikeházi, G. Vankó, J. Synch. Rad. 29, 2022, 1216.
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