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Seminaire SOLEIL - Noriaki HORIUCHI- 14/04/23 - 15h30

Vendredi 14 avril 2023 – 15h30 Amphithéâtre SOLEIL

Review procedures in Nature Photonics

(Nature Photonics, Tokyo, Japan)

Vendredi 14 avril 2023 – 15h30
Amphithéâtre SOLEIL

Nature-branded journals (such as Nature, Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, etc.) are some of the most prestigious and important scientific publications in the world today. To maintain the quality and high impact factor of each journal, the editors rigorously select papers that provide conceptual or technological breakthrough according to stringent acceptance criteria and a unique reviewing process. In this talk, I will explain the general criteria for getting published in Nature Photonics and provide some advice for submission. This information should also be helpful when submitting to other Nature-branded journals, as they share a similar review process and acceptance criteria.

Formalités d’entrée : accès libre dans l’amphi du pavillon d’Accueil.
Si la manifestation a lieu dans le Grand Amphi SOLEIL du Bâtiment Central merci de vous munir d’une piece d’identité
(à échanger à l’accueil contre un badge d’accès).
Route départementale 128 - 91190 SAINT AUBIN

Contact : Sandrine Vasseur

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