During the Workshop on Metrology for X-ray Optics, Mirror Design and Fabrication IWXM 2024, hosted by the Helmholtz Zentrum in Berlin, our colleague François Polack was awarded the 5th Sostero Award.
As head of the Optics group at SOLEIL from 2002 to 2021, François Polack contributed to the design of the optics for SOLEIL's 29 beamlines. Since 2021, as an advisor to the scientific management, François has continued his contribution to SOLEIL's developments and to the planning for the upgrade of the beamlines as part of SOLEIL II. Today, Since 2021, as an advisor to the scientific management, François has continued his contribution to SOLEIL's developments and to the planning for the upgrade of the beamlines for SOLEIL II.
This award recognizes his continuous efforts in the innovation and promotion of the x-ray optics field, along with his dedication to mentoring and support activities.
Congratulations, François!
Marco Zangrnado and François Polack
About the Giovanni Sostero Award
This award is dedicated to Giovanni Sostero, who led the soft x-ray metrology lab at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste until 2012, when he sadly passed away.
It was stablished in 2012 by Daniele Cocco, Mourad Idir, and Marco Zangrando and honors outstanding work in x-ray metrology and optics. It was first awarded at the MEADOW workshop in Trieste (2013) and supported by Elettra ever since.