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E.g., 19/06/2024
Lebech, M., Houver, J.C., Lafosse, A., Dowek, D., Alcaraz, C., Nahon, L., Lucchese, R. "Complete description of linear molecule photoionization achieved by vector correlations using the light of a single circular polarization" Journal of Chemical Physics., 118(21): 9653-9663. (2003).
Schiltz, M., Fourme, R., Prangé, T. "Use of Noble Gases Xenon and Krypton as Heavy Atoms in Protein Structure Determination" Methods in Enzymology ., 374: 83-119. (2003).
Fourme, R., Ascone, I., Kahn, R., Girard, E., Mezouar, M., Lin, T.W., Johnson, J.E., R., Winter "New trends in macromolecular crystallography at high hydrostatic pressure" In Advances in High Pressure Bioscience and Biotechnology II: 161-170: Springer, 2003. ISBN: 3-540-00977-9
Hochedez, J.F., Appourchaux, T., Belsky, A., Castex, M.C., Deneuville, A., Dhez, P., Fleck, B., Hainaut, O., Idir, M., Kleider, J.P., Lemaire, P., Monroy, E., Munoz, E., Muret, P., Nesladek, M., Omnes, F., Pau, J., Peacock, A., Schuhle, U., Van Hoof, C. "Diamond imager and nitrides for UV observation of the sun" Journal de physique IV., 108: 227-231. (2003).
Wiesner, K., Fink, R.F., Sorensen, S.L., Andersson, M., Feifel, R., Hjelte, I., Miron, C., Naves de Brito, A., Rosenqvist, L., Wang, H., Svensson, S., Björneholm, O. "Valence photoionization and resonant core excitation of ozone – experimental and theoretical study of the -state of O3+" Chemical Physics Letters., 375(1-2): 76-83. (2003).
Bertrand, L., Doucet, J., Dumas, P., Simionovici, A., Tsoucaris, G., Walter, P. "Microbeam synchrotron imaging of hairs from Ancient Egyptian mummies" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 10(5): 387–392. (2003).
Dhez, C., Gacoin, M.P. "Soleil: an advanced synchrotron radiation source" Bulletin de l' Union des Physiciens., (855): 881-902. (2003).
Fourme, R., Girard, E., Kahn, R., Ascone, I., Mezouar, M., Dhaussy, A.C., Lin, T.W., Johnson, J.E. "Using a quasi-parallel X-ray beam of ultrashort wavelength for high-pressure virus crystallography: implications for standard macromolecular crystallography" Acta Crystallographica D., 59(10): 1767-1772. (2003).
Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Lebech, M., Houver, J.C., Dowek, D., Powis, I. "Circular dichroism in the photoelectron angular distribution from randomly oriented enantiomers of camphor" Journal of Chemical Physics., 119(17): 8781-8784. (2003).
Nadolski, L.S., Laskar, J. "Review of single particle dynamics for third generation light sources through frequency map analysis" Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators & Beams., 6(11): art.n° 114801. (2003).