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E.g., 07/06/2024
Fourme, R., Ascone, I., Kahn, R., Mezouar, M., Bouvier, P., Girard, E., Lin, T.., Johnson, J.E. "Protein and virus Crystallography under high pressure" ESRF Highlights., : 14-15. (2002).
Meierhenrich, U.J., Thiemann, W., Barbier, B., Brack, A., Alcaraz, C., Nahon, L., Wolstencroft, R., Sawaya-Lacoste H. "Remote sensing of circulary polarized light from orbit of planet Mercury by the ESA mission BEPICOLOMBO" In Exo-Astrobiology, ESA SP-518: 243-246: Noordwijk, 2002. ISBN: 92-9092-828-X
Fourme, R., Ascone, I., Kahn, R., Mezouar, M., Bouvier, P., Girard, E., Lin, T.W., Johnson, J.E. "Opening the high-pressure domain beyond 2 kbar to protein and virus crystallography - Technical advance" Structure., 10(10): 1409-1414. (2002).
Thomas, T. D., Miron, C., Wiesner, K., Morin, P., Carroll, T. X., Sæthre, L. J. "Anomalous Natural Linewidth in the 2p Photoelectron Spectrum of SiF4" Physical Review Letters., 89(22): art.n° 223001. (2002).
Quevillon-Cheruel, S., Collinet, B., Zhou, C.Z., Minard, P., Blondeau, K., Henkes, G., Aufrere, R., Coutant, J., Guittet, E., Lewit-Bentley, A., Leulliot, N., Ascone, I., Sorel, I., Savarin, P., Gallay, I.L.D., De La Torre, F., Poupon, A., Fourme, R., Janin, J., Van Tilbeurgh, H. "A structural genomics initiative on yeast proteins" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 10(1): 4-8. (2003).
Ascone, I., Fourme, R., Hasnain, S.S. "Introductory overview: X-ray absorption spectroscopy and structural genomics" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 10(1): 1-3. (2003).
Machado Bueno, A., Naves de Brito, A., Fink, R.F., Bässler, M., Björneholm, O., Burmeister, F., Feifel, R., Miron, C., Sorensen, S.L., Wang, H., Svensson, S. "Influence of chemical bonds on the lifetime of the molecular-field-split 2p levels in H2S" Physical Review A., 67(2): art.n° 022714. (2003).
Baev, A., Feifel, R., Gel'mukhanov, F., Ågren, H., Piancastelli, M.N., Bässler, M., Miron, C., Sorensen, S.L., Naves de Brito, A., Björneholm, O., Karlsson, L., Svensson, S. "Geometrical information on core-excited states obtained from interference quenching of vibrational states in resonant x-ray photoemission" Physical Review A., 67(2): art.n° 022713. (2003).
Garcia, G.A., Nahon, L., Powis, I. "Near-threshold photoionization spectroscopy of the mono-terpenes limonene and carvone" International Journal of Mass Spectrometry., 225(3): 261-270. (2003).
Wang, H., Fink, R.F., Piancastelli, M.N., Bässler, M., Hjelte, I., Björneholm, O., Burmeister, F., Feifel, R., Giertz, A., Miron, C., Sorensen, S.L., Wiesner, K., Svensson, S. "Is there interference in the resonant Auger electron spectra of N 1s and O 1s?2p core excited NO?" Chemical Physics., 289(1): 31-44. (2003).