Dernière mise à jour : 15/01/2025
Hébrard, L., Palin-Luc, T., Ranc, N., Weck, A., Douillard, T., Blanchard, N., Dancette, S., Buffiere, J.Y. "Deformation mechanisms at the tip of internal fatigue cracks in vacuum and in the presence of an air environment in a Ti alloy" International Journal of Fatigue., 193: art.n° 108729. (2025).
Cundiff, K.N., Morgeneyer, T.F., Benzerga, A.A. "Photo-oxidation of semicrystalline polymers: Effect of stress triaxiality on ductility" Tomography of Materials and Structures., 7: art.n° 100048. (2025).
Sutton, M.D., Sigwart, J.D., Briggs, D.E.G., Gueriau, P., King, A., Siveter, D.J., Siveter, D.J. "New Silurian aculiferan fossils reveal complex early history of Mollusca". Nature., on line first (09/01/2025): (2025).
Alhaddad, T., Shoker, M.B., Pagès, O., Polian, A., Torres, V.J.B., Le Godec, Y., Itié, J.P., Bellin, C., Béneut, K., Diliberto, S., Michel, S., Marasek, A., Strzałkowski, K. "Taxonomy of high pressure vibration spectra of zincblende semiconductor alloys based on the percolation model" Scientific Reports., 15: art.n° 1212. (2025).
Caussé, M., Geneste, G., Toraille, L., Guigue, B., Charraud, J.B., Paul-Boncour, V., Loubeyre, P. "Synthesis of Laves phase hydrides YFe2H6 and YFe2H7 at high pressure: reaching a limit of interstitial hydrogen uptake" Journal of Alloys and Compounds., 1010: art.n° 177392. (2025).
Iacconi, C., Gaibor, A.P., Degano, I., van der Vaart-Verschoof, S., Joosten, I., Grömer, K., Bertrand, L. "The oldest dress of the Netherlands? Recovering a now-vanished, colour pattern from an early iron age fabric in an elite burial" Journal of Archaeological Science., 173: art.n° 106109. (2025).
Dhami, N.S., Balédent, V., Batistić,I., Bednarchuk,O., Kaczorowski,D., Itié, J.P., Shieh, S.R., Kumar, C.M.N., Utsumi, Y. "Synchrotron x-ray diffraction and DFT study of non-centrosymmetric EuRhGe3 under high pressure" High Pressure Research., 44(4): 467-478. (2024).
Iacconi, C., Desplanques, E., Moulherat, C., L'Héronde, M., King, A., Autret, A., Schöder, S., Fayard, B., Leccia, E., Bertrand, L. "Archaeological mineralised textiles from the Iron Age tumulus of Creney-le-Paradis support its elite" Antiquity., 98(401): 1306-1320. (2024).
Gugin, N.Y., Yusenko, K.V., King, A., Meyer, K., Al-Sabbagh, D., Villajos, J.A., Emmerling, F. "Lighting up industrial mechanochemistry: Real-time in situ monitoring of reactive extrusion using energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction" Chem., 10(11): 3459-3473. (2024).
Moutin, L., Duguay, C., Fayette, L., King, A., Masson, R., Bornert, M. "Morphological Models of Networks of Inter-granules Micropores: Identification and Validation Based on 2D and 3D Imaging". In Continuum Models and Discrete Systems: 45-57: 2024. ISBN: 978-3-031-58664-4 (P), 978-3-031-58665-1(O)