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Dernière mise à jour : 03/10/2024
E.g., 08/10/2024
E.g., 08/10/2024
Mayer, D., Handrich, M., Picconi, D., Lever, F., Mehner, L., Murillo-Sanchez, M.L., Walz, C., Titov, E., Bozek, J.D., Saalfrank, P., Gühr, M. "X-ray photoelectron and NEXAFS spectroscopy of thionated uracils in the gas phase" Journal of Chemical Physics., 161(13): art.n° 134301. (2024).
Richter, C., Dupuy, R., Trinter, F., Buttersack, T., Cablitz, L., Gholami, S., Stemer, D., Nicolas, C., Seidel, R., Winter, B., Bluhm, H. "Surface accumulation and acid–base equilibrium of phenol at the liquid–vapor interface". PCCP - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics., on line first (18/09/2024): (2024).
Mazza, T., Baumann, T.M., Boll, R., De Fanis, A., Dold, S., Mullins, T., Ovcharenko, Y., Rivas, D., Senfftleben, B., Usenko, S., Ismail, I., Bozek, J.D., Simon, M., Fritzsche, S., Meyer, M., Ilchen, M. "Resonant Raman Auger spectroscopy on transient core-excited Ne ions". Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., on line first (16/07/2024): (2024).
Ismail, I., Inhester, L., Marchenko, T., Trinter, F., Verma, A., De Fanis, A., Ferté, A., Rivas, D.E., Peng, D., Koulentianos, D., Kukk, E., Penent, F., Doumy, G., Sansone, G., Bozek, J.D., Li, K., Young, L., Ilchen, M., Piancastelli, M.N., Meyer, M., Velasquez, N., Travnikova, O., Boll, R., Guillemin, R., Dörner, R., Taïeb, R., Dold, S., Carniato, S., Baumann, T.M., Mazza, T., Ovcharenko, Y., Püttner, R., Simon, M. "Ultrafast nuclear dynamics in double-core-ionized water molecules" Physical Review A., 110(1): art.n° 013108. (2024).
Schlathölter, T., Poully, J.C. "Radiation-Induced Molecular Processes in DNA: A Perspective on Gas-Phase Interaction Studies" Chemistry - A European Journal., 30(38): art.n° e202400633. (2024).
Martínez-Fernández, L., Ranković, M.L., Canon, F., Nahon, L., Giuliani, A., Milosavljević, A.R., Martin-Somer, A. "Photodissociation of leucine-enkephalin protonated peptide: an experimental and theoretical perspective" RSC Advances., 14(24): 16809-16820. (2024).
Simon, M. "Dynamique ultrarapide de molécules isolées excitées" Actualité Chimique., (494): 20-24. (2024).
Hans, A., Kiefer, N., Marder, L., Küstner-Wetekam, C., Heikura, E., Golchert, N., Viehmann, J.H., Cubaynes, D., Ismail, I., Trinter, F., Lablanquie, P., Palaudoux, J., Ehresmann, A., Penent, F. "Experimental Realization of Auger Decay in the Field of a Positive Elementary Charge" Physical Review Letters., 132(20): art.n° 203002. (2024).
Pratt, S.T., Jacovella, U., Gans, B., Bozek, J.D., Holland, D.M.P. "Resonant Auger decay of iodobenzene below the I 4d edge" Journal of Chemical Physics., 160(17): art.n° 174309. (2024).
Palaudoux, J., Lablanquie, P., Benbalagh, R., Ismail, I., Naitabdi, A., Huart, L., Cubaynes, D., Nicolas, C., Céolin, D., Renault, J.P., Hervé du Penhoat, M.A., Dupuy, R., Penent, F. "Auger photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy of molecules adsorbed on a gold wire surface" Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics., 57(9): art.n° 095003. (2024).