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Dernière mise à jour : 05/02/2025
E.g., 06/02/2025
E.g., 06/02/2025
Koskelo, J., Reining, L., Gatti, M. "Short-Range Excitonic Phenomena in Low-Density Metals" Physical Review Letters., 134(4): art.n° 046402 . (2025).
Zhang, Z., Zobelli, A., Gao, C., Cheng, Y., Zhang, J., Caillaux, J., Qiu, L., Li, S., Cattelan, M., Kandyba, V., Barinov, A., Zaghrioui, M., Bendounan, A., Rueff, J.P., Qi, W., Perfetti, L., Papalazarou, E., Marsi, M., Chen, Z. "Rotation symmetry mismatch and interlayer hybridization in MoS2-black phosphorus van der Waals heterostructures" Nature Communications., 16: art.n° 763. (2025).
Balédent, V., Shieh, S.R., Rueff, J.P. "Spin-state stability in Mn2O3 across the volume collapse phase transition under pressure up to 41 GPa" Physical Review B., 111(3): art.n° 035122. (2025).
Chen, L., Guan, X., Fei, Z., Asakura, H., Zhang, L., Wang, Z., Su, X., Yao, Z., Keenan, L.L., Hayama, S., van Spronsen, M.A., Karagoz, B., Held, G., Allen, C.S., Hopkinson, D.G., Decarolis, D., Callison, J., Dyson, P.J., Wang, F.R. "Tuning the selectivity of NH3 oxidation via cooperative electronic interactions between platinum and copper sites" Nature Communications., 16: art.n° 26. (2025).
Raji, A., Gutiérrez-Llorente, A., Zhang, D., Li, X., Bibes, M., Iglesias, L., Rueff, J.P., Gloter, A. "Unraveling P-Type and N-Type Interfaces in Superconducting Infinite-Layer Nickelate Thin Films" Advanced Functional Materials., 34(52): art.n° 2409930. (2024).
Kimberg, V., Travnikova, O., Krasnov, P., Boudjemia, N., Marchenko, T., Guillemin, R., Ismail, I., Koulentianos, D., Santos, A.C.F., Céolin, D., Piancastelli, M.N., Püttner, R., Gel'mukhanov, F., Simon, M. "Nonlinear spectral dispersion in resonant Auger scattering from SF6 for studying nuclear potentials and dynamics" Physical Review A., 110(6): art.n° 062814. (2024).
Raji, A., Krieger, G., Viart, N., Preziosi, D., Rueff, J.P., Gloter, A. "Charge Distribution across Capped and Uncapped Infinite-Layer Neodymium Nickelate Thin Films" Small., 19(49): art.n° 2304872. (2023).
Jacquet, Q., Mozhzhukhina, N., Gillespie, P.N.O., Wittmann, G., Perez Ramirez, L., Capone, F.G., Rueff, J.P., Belin, S., Dedryvère, R., Stievano, L., Matic, A., Suard, E., Brookes, N.B., Longo, A., Prezzi, D., Lyonnard, S., Iadecola, A. "A Fundamental Correlative Spectroscopic Study on Li1-xNiO2 and NaNiO2" Advanced Energy Materials., 14(41): art.n° 2401413. (2024).
Capone, F., Muntada, O., Ramirez, J.C., Esplandiu, M.J., Dedryvère, R., Grimaud, A., Lassalle-Kaiser, F., Céolin, D., Pérez-Murano, F., Rueff, J.P., Fraxedas, J. "Development of hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy in liquid cells using optimized microfabricated silicon nitride membranes" Journal of Synchrotron Radiation., 31(6): 1505-1513. (2024).
Saisopa, T., Sailuam, W., Juntree, P., Nakajima, H., Supruangnet, R., Céolin, D., Pinitsoontorn, S., Sirisathitkul, C., Songsiriritthigul, P., Pandech, N., Eknapakul, T. "Formation and Characterization of Mn-Bi-Al Ternary Alloys of Enhanced Magnetic Performance in MnBi/Al Composites" Solid State Sciences., 157: art.n° 107730. (2024).