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Dernière mise à jour : 08/05/2024
E.g., 11/06/2024
E.g., 11/06/2024
Juppet, L., Khabbaz, A., Lampin, J.F., Pirali, O. "Terahertz molecular water laser using quantum cascade laser pumping" Journal of Applied Physics., 134(24): art.n° 243101. (2023).
Hemme, P., Philippe, J.C., Medeiros, A, Alekhin, A., Houver, S., Gallais, Y., Sacuto, A., Forget, A., Colson, D., Mantri, S., Xu, B., Bellaiche, L., Cazayous, M. "Tuning the Multiferroic Properties of BiFeO3 under Uniaxial Strain" Physical Review Letters., 131(11): art.n° 116801. (2023).
Cervasio, R., Tomarchio, L., Verseils, M., Brubach, J.B., Macis, S., Zeng, S., Ariando, A., Roy, P., Lupi, S. "Optical Properties of Superconducting Nd0.8Sr0.2NiO2 Nickelate" ACS Applied Electronic Materials., 5(9): 4770–4777. (2023).
Hardy, P., Richard, C., Boudon, V., Khan, M.V., Manceron, L., Dridi, N. "High-resolution far-infrared spectroscopy and analysis of the v3 and v6 bands of chloromethane" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer., 311: art.n° 108779. (2023).
Evain, C., Kaoudoune, F., Roussel, E., Szwaj, C., Tordeux, M.A., Ribeiro, F., Labat, M., Hubert, N., Brubach, J.B., Roy, P., Bielawski, S. "Stabilization of the bunch position during the control of the microbunching instability in storage rings" Physical Review Accelerators & Beams., 26(9): art.n° 090701. (2023).
Kwabia Tchana, F., Manceron, L., Perrin, A., Anantharajah, A. "Analysis of line positions of the ν6 band of 35ClNO2 around 411 cm−1" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer., 311: art.n° 108760. (2023).
Ding, L., Colin, C.V., Simonet, V., Stock, C., Brubach, J.B., Verseils, M., Roy, P., Garcia Sakai, V., Koza, M.M., Piovano, A., Ivanov, A., Rodriguez-Rivera, J.A., de Brion, S., Songvilay, M. "Lattice dynamics and spin excitations in the metal-organic framework [CH3NH3][Co(HCOO)3]" Physical Review Materials., 7(8): art. n° 084405. (2023).
El Boutaybi, A., Cervasio, R., Degezelle, A., Maroutian, T., Brubach, J.B., Demange, V., Largeau, L., Verseils, M., Matzen, S., Agnus, G., Vivien, L., Karamanis, P., Rérat, M., Roy, P., Lecoeur, P. "Ferroelectric ZrO2 phases from infrared spectroscopy" Journal of Materials Chemistry C., 11(32): 10931-10941. (2023).
Mraidi, S., Manceron, L., Rey, M., Aroui, H., Campargue, A. "High resolution spectroscopy and a theoretical line list of ethylene between 5000 and 9000 cm−1" Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer., 310(art.n° 108734): (2023).
Houver, S., Barois, S.E., Roy, P., Peretti, R. "La spectroscopie térahertz: électrons et vibrations" Photoniques., (121): 36-41. (2023).