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Dernière mise à jour : 11/02/2025
E.g., 12/02/2025
E.g., 12/02/2025
Bunn, H.A., Spezzano, S., Coudert, L.H., Guillemin, J.C., Lin, Y., Endres, C.P., Billinghurst, B., Pirali, O., Jørgensen, J., Lattanzi, V., Caselli, P. "Laboratory Rotational Spectroscopy Leads to the First Interstellar Detection of Singly Deuterated Methyl Mercaptan (CH2DSH)" Astrophysical Journal Letters., 980(1): art.n° L13. (2025).
Stockett, M.H., Esposito, V.J., Ashworth, E.K., Jacovella, U., Bull, J.N. "Infrared Cooling in an Anharmonic Cascade Framework: 2-Cyanoindene, the Smallest Cyano-PAH Identified in Taurus Molecular Cloud-1". ACS Earth and Space Chemistry., on line first (05/02/2025): (2025).
Sahoo, S.P., Bugnet, M., Cañero Infante, I., Pierron, V., Méchin, L., Cervasio, R., Hemme, P., Brubach, J.B., Roy, P., Fréchette, L.G., Lamirand, A.D., Vilquin, B. "Low Hysteresis Vanadium Dioxide Integrated on Silicon Using Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Compatible Oxide Buffer Layer" Small Science., 5(2): art.n° 2400398. (2025).
Martin-Drumel, M.A., Spaniol, J.T., Chitarra, O., Pirali, O., Müller, H.S.P. "Submillimeter-Wave Spectroscopy of the CH3O Radical" Journal of Physical Chemistry A., 129(3): 754–761. (2025).
Dronova, M., Altenschmidt, L., Bordage, A., Rivière, E., Brubach, J.B., Verseils, M., Balthazar, G., Roy, P., Bleuzen, A. "Far-Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of CoFe Prussian Blue Analogues at Thermally Activated Electron Transfer" European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry., 28: art.n° e202400443. (2025).
Bracchini, G.A., Di Muzio, S., Trequattrini, F., Palumbo, O., Paolone, A., Ramondo, F. "Fatty acid and alcohol based low melting mixtures: The role of intermolecular interactions by DFT and infrared spectroscopy" Journal of Molecular Liquids., 417: art.n° 126590. (2025).
Di Muzio, S., Paolone, A., Trequattrini, F., Palumbo, O. "Intermolecular Interactions in Mixed Choline Acetate and Maleic Acid Systems" Applied Sciences-Basel., 14(23): art.n° 11402. (2024).
Mikhailenko, S.N., Karlovets, E.V., Koroleva, A.O., Campargue, A. "The Far-Infrared Absorption Spectrum of HD16O: Experimental Line Positions, Accurate Empirical Energy Levels, and a Recommended Line List" Molecules., 29(23): art.n° 5508. (2024).
Di Muzio, S., Ramondo, F., Palumbo, O., Trequattrini, F., Roy, P., Brubach, J.B., Paolone, A. "Conformational Geometry Matters: The Case of the Low-Melting-Point Systems of Tetrabutylammonium Triflate with Fumaric or Maleic Acid" Molecules., 29(21): art.n° 5093. (2024).
Evain, C., Roussel, E., Bielawski, S., Tordeux, M.A., Ribeiro, F., Labat, M., Hubert, N., Brubach, J.B., Roy, P., Szwaj, C. "Gain Switching of the Microbunching Instability to Produce Giant Bursts of Terahertz Coherent Synchrotron Radiation" Physical Review Letters., 133(14): art.n° 145001. (2024).