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SUM 2018 "SOLEIL Users' Meeting"

January, 18-19 2018 Synchrotron SOLEIL

The 13th SOLEIL Users’ Meeting will take place on January 18th and 19th, 2018 at EDF Lab Paris-Saclay and at SOLEIL.

This invaluable forum for the synchrotron radiation users’ community will provide, the occasion to share scientific, technical and practical issues about the synchrotron radiation use.

The 3 plenary lectures will deal with different aspects related to recent and future synchrotron sources evolutions.

  • Diluted Matter
  • Materials
  • Cultural Heritage

Scientific communications will be presented during parallel sessions, selected from submitted abstracts (deadline for submission: November 27th, 2017).

A social programme with a buffet dinner will be held at SOLEIL on the afternoon of January 19th in conjunction with the posters session, commercial exhibitions and visits of the Facility.

The Roger Fourme prize award (student poster best prize) will be held before the buffet.

Two tutoriols will be organized at SOLEIL on Friday January 19th, 2018:


A satellite workshop will be held on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th of January, 2018 at SOLEIL.

ivMX 2018 - In vivo macromolecular crystallography: Advances and Perspectives

We invite you to save the date.

Confirmed invited speakers to plenary sessions

Patrimoine :
John K. Delaney - National Gallery of Art, Washington DC (Etats-Unis)
Tri-modal (X-ray fluorescence, reflectance and molecular fluorescence imaging spectroscopy) investigation of works of art

Matériaux :
Mikhail Eremets - Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz (Allemagne)
Molecular semimetallic hydrogen and high temperature superconductivity

Matière diluée :
Christine Joblin - Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées, Toulouse (France)
VUV Synchrotron radiation: A precious tool for unrevealing the properties of cosmic PAHs

Confirmed invited speakers to parallel sessions

Ancient & New Materials (Cultural heritage / Structure / Electronic Properties / Surfaces & Interfaces)

Martin Bowen - IPCMS, Strasbourg (France) 
"Probing a microelectronic device's active atoms through operando experiments at SOLEIL"

Martina Müller - Centre de recherche de Jülich & Universitéde Duisburg (Allemagne)
"Interfacing Magnetic Oxides - Insights by Photoelectron Spectro"

Laurence Ressier - Institut National des Sciences Appliquées, Toulouse (France) 
"Small Angle X-ray Scattering Coupled With in-situ Electromechanical Probing of Nanoparticle-Based Strain Gauges"


Dynamic, Reactivity & Chemical analysis (Diluted Matter & Chemistry)

François Le Naour - Hôpital Paul Brousse, Villejuif (France)
"Multimodal imaging of lipids and metals on liver tissue sections"

Francis Penent - Lab. de Chimie Physique - Matière et Rayonnement, Paris (France)
"Creation of double K-shell vacancies with a single photon : how and why?”

Lorenzo Stievano - Institut Charles Gerhardt, Montpellier (France)
"Study of electrochemical mechanisms in batteries: contribution and limits of X-ray absorption spectroscopy"


Life & Earth Sciences (Biology / Health & Environment / Geoscience)

Sylvain Delzon - UMR BIOGECCO - Université de Bordeaux (France) 
" The ascent of sap and xylem vessel (dis)content: 4 centuries of debate"

Pablo Fernandez-Millan - Université Autonome de Barcelone (Espagne) 
"Structural model of PRORP2-tRNA complex interaction build it by the combination of crystal, in solution structures with biophysical characterization"

Andreas Voegelin - EAWAG - Dübendorf (Switzerland)
"Exploring the speciation of thallium in soil using synchrotron-based X-ray (micro)spectroscopies"




Scientific committee:


Biology / Health
Institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin - Versailles
IPCB - Plateforme de Biologie - Strasbourg

Cultural Heritage / environnment / archaeology / geosciences  
Université Complutense – Madrid
Université de Rennes 1 - Campus de Beaulieu - Rennes

Diluted matter 
Vincent BOUDON 
Lab. Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, Dijon
LCPMR - Paris

Matter and Material properties: Structure, Organisation, Caracterization, Elaboration
Frédéric DATCHI
IMPMC - Paris
Institut de Chimie et des Matériaux de Paris-Est - Thiais

Electronic and magnetic property of matter – Surfaces and Interfaces
Marie d'ANGELO
Institut des Nanosciences de Paris  
Université Paris-Sud

Chemistry and Physico-chemistry – in situ reactivity – Soft matter
Nicolas DELSUC
ENS Département de Chimie - Paris
Jean-Sébastien GIRARDON
Unité de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide - Lille


Local organisation committee:

Frédérique FRAISSARD
Sylvie PAVAN

Registration online

EXTENSION OF THE DEADLINE: January 8th, 2018 by using the following link:

The registration fee is 100 €.
It includes: attendance at the users meeting, buffets, lunches and coffee break, and transfers by bus. 

Type of participant


Researcher, institutionnel, post-doc

100 €

Student, Invited speaker, Organisation Committee member, SOLEIL staff



Terms of payment

PLEASE NOTE : Order forms are not accepted

Payment by cheque :

Would you please write it out to “Synchrotron SOLEIL” and write at the verso the following reference:
SOLEIL Users Meeting: SUM18 / 69170606
Thank you for sending your cheque at the address, here below, together with the registration confirmation sheet or the e-mail of confirmation:
Synchrotron Soleil
Bureau des Utilisateurs de SOLEIL
L'Orme des Merisiers
Saint Aubin - BP 48
91192 GIF SUR YVETTE Cedex


Payment by bank transfer :

Thank you for transmit your payment by bank transfer to the following account number:

BNP Paris Bas
International Bank Account Number (IBAN) : FR76 FR76 3000 4025 5200 0106 0374 407
Code d'identification bancaire (BIC) : BNPAFRPPIFO
Synchrotron SOLEIL
with mentionning your name and the users meeting reference: SUM18 / 69170606 
Your registration will be definitive as soon as your payment will be received.


Payment by credit card :

A payment online is possible.
You just have to select this mode of payment when registrating and to follow instructions.

Or, if you are already registered, by clicking on the link.

Oral presentation

Deadline for abstract submission: November 27th, 2017

If you wish to contribute, you can submit your abstract:

in the registration form

or otherwise when submitting an abstract 

You will be informed about the selection results from the Programme Committee.

Invited Talks

Deadline for abstract submission: January 8th, 2018

Invited speakers are requested to submit their abstract:

in the registration form

or otherwise when submitting an abstract


Deadline for abstract submission: January 8th,2018

A posters session will be held at SOLEIL on January 18th 2018.

Posters panels will be located in the Hall of SOLEILCentral Building.

Panels’ size: 180cm x 130cm
If you wish to contribute, you can submit your abstract:

in the registration form

or otherwise when submitting an abstract 


In both cases, you are requested to use ONLY the template below (Word or .Rtf file - Any abstract not in compliance with the template will be sent back to the author):

Microsoft Office document icon Template abstracts (28.5 KB)

The size of the files is limited to 4 Mo.


Best student's poster prize - Roger Fourme Prize

The best poster presented by a student will receive a prize offered by SOLEIL

This is a mission to a congress up to 1000 € (with original tickets).
The Award will be held on 2018/01/18 evening, during the buffet.

For the Best Poster Award, the attendence of the candidate is requested.

The candidates will be avaluated on the following criteria:

  • Clear presentation
  • Scientific interest
  • Originality
  • Visual aspects

Registered exhibitors


Offer for Commercial Exhibitions to Companies

Registrations are closed



The yearly SOLEIL Users’ Meeting will be held at EDF Lab Paris-Saclay and at SOLEIL, starting on Thursday 18th until Friday 19th of January 2018.

We offer during the poster session which will take place at SOLEIL a few exhibition areas to companies interested in presenting their products located in the Hall of the Main building of SOLEIL, giving the opportunity for easy interaction between exhibitors, visitors, attendees and the SOLEIL staff.
The area available, of about 4 m2, is one table and 4 chairs.

These services are proposed in the 1020,00 € all taxes included (850 € without taxes), which includes:

• The exhibition area and a poster panel;
• for 2 persons: access to plenary and parallel sessions as well as the technical workshops, the Company’s logo on the web site and the list of Commercial Exhibitors with the Company’s logo into the electronic abstract book, coffee-breaks, the cocktail of the 18th of January and the lunches (January 18th and 19th).

The exhibitors can also insert an advertising page into the electronic abstract book of the Users’ Meeting, for a supplementary 360,00 € all taxes included (300 € without taxes) amount.

Please note that the number of booths at the exhibition area is limited, and they will be attributed on a first come first served basis.

Industrial exhibitors are requested not to register via the website but to Microsoft Office document icon to fill in the necessary form (317 KB) and to send it back by email

Access to SOLEIL

If you come by car:

Geographical address: 
      Synchrotron SOLEIL
      L’Orme des Merisiers 
      Rond point du Golf de Saint Aubin
      91190 Saint Aubin

Location coordinates:
      Latitude : 48.711922
      Longitude : 2.146156
      intersection between RD306 and D128


If you come by Public Transports:

From PARIS and CHARLES-DE-GAULLE Airport, RER B direction to SAINT-RÉMY-LÈS-CHEVREUSE and stop at:

  • "MASSY-PALAISEAU" station - BUS n°91-06 B ou C direction to SAINT-QUENTIN GARE, stop at “L’ORME DES MERISIERS”
  • "LE GUICHET" station - walk to the bus station, take bus n°9, direction to SACLAY, stop at "L’ORME DES MERISIERS".
  • "GIF SUR YVETTE" station, take bus n° 10, stop at "SAINT AUBIN".


From ORLY Airport - ORLYVAL train, stop at ANTONY, take the RER B (then same as above) or BUS n°91-10 direction "Christ / N306, Saclay", stop at "L'ORME DES MERISIERS" (around 1h - end of service at 9 p.m).


Access to EDF Lab Paris-Saclay


AZUR Building
7 boulevard Gaspard Monge
91120 Palaiseau
GPS coordinates: 48.717686, 2.198853


Please find below a detailed plan of the site, with the visitor car park and the Azur building.



Access by car

From Paris

Take N118 via Pont de Sèvres.
Take the exit 9 to «Orsay-le Guichet».

From Porte d’Orléans

Take A6 direction to Lyon. Continue on the A10 towards «Nantes/Bordeaux». Take the left exit to  «D444/Versailles/ Igny/Bièvres». Continue on D36.

From Paris Airports

From Paris-Charles de Gaulle

Take the A1 towards Paris.
At Porte de la Chapelle, take the outer ring road to Rouen.
At Porte de St-Cloud, follow the N10 towards Bordeaux / Nantes.
Then follow the path "By the N118".

From Paris-Orly

Take the N7 direction to Paris.
Follow the A86 towards Versailles. Take the exit 30 towards «A6/A10/Bièvres/Igny/Bordeaux/Nantes».
Continue on A10 towards «Nantes/Bordeaux». Take the left exit towards «D444/Versailles/ Igny/
Bièvres». Continue on D36.


Access by public transport

From Paris

RER B ou C Stop Massy/Palaiseau ;
Then Bus 91.06 B or C, or Bus 91.10 - Stop Palaiseau – Campus

List of hotels (non exhaustive)

SOLEIL Guest House
L'Orme des Merisiers - 91190 GIF / YVETTE
Tel: +33(0)1 69 35 82 00 - 

Hôtel Les Chevaliers des Balances - close to SOLEIL
Place de la Mairie - 91190 SAINT-AUBIN
Tél.: +33 (0)1 69 41 20 55 - Fax: +33 (0)1 69 85 50 75
E-mail: - Web:

Hôtel Le Village**
4 rue Neuve - 91190 GIF-SUR-YVETTE
Tél.: +33 (0)1 69 28 82 51 - Fax: +33 (0)1 69 28 53 93
E-mail: - Web:

Hôtel d'Orsay - près du RER B
2 rue François Leroux - 91400 ORSAY
Tél.: +33 (0)1 64 86 17 47 - Fax: +33 (0)1 64 86 17 48

Hôtel B&B
Plateau du Moulon - 91190 GIF-SUR-YVETTE
Tél.: +33 (0) 892 78 80 91 - Fax: +33 (0)1 69 35 34 59

Hôtel Résidhome Massy****- près de la gare TGV Massy et du RER B
7 rue Christophe Colomb - 91300 MASSY
Tél.: +33 (0)1 69 81 62 62 - Fax: +33 (0)1 69 81 62 63
E-mail: - Web:

Hôtel du Lion** - à Paris, près du RER B
1 avenue du Général Leclerc - 75014 PARIS
Tél.: +33 (0)1 40 47 04 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 43 20 38 18
E-mail: - Web:

Hôtel de Senlisse** - à Paris, près du RER B
7-9 rue Malebranche - 75005 PARIS
Tél.: +33 (0)1 43 29 93 10 - Fax: +33 (0)1 43 29 00 24
E-mail: - Web:

Sylvie PAVAN
SOLEIL User Office
L’orme des Merisiers
St Aubin - BP 48
91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex