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Last update : 02.05.2025
E.g., 02/06/2025
E.g., 02/06/2025
Blaess, C., Vasconcelos Borges Pinho, P., Moussy, J.B., Vlad, A., Gatel, C., Matzen, S., Barbier, A. "Manipulation of artificial multiferroics using doping-induced plastic strain relaxation" Applied Surface Science., 690: art.n° 162585. (2025).
Li, Z., Cresp, M., Vegso, K., Mrkyvkova, N., Siffalovic, P., Pauporté, T. "Quasi-2D Ruddlesden-Popper phase induced preferentially oriented FA1-xMAxPbI3 for high-performance sequential perovskite solar cells" Chemical Engineering Journal., 505: art.n° 159121. (2025).
Tran, T., Hennes, M., Demaille, D., Gallas, B., Patriarche, G., Hrabovsky, D., Coati, A., Vlad, A., Resta, A., Sauvage-Simkin, M., Garreau, Y., Zheng, Y., Vidal, F. "Growth and properties of hybrid Au-Co0.8Ni0.2 nanowires embedded in SrTiO3/SrTiO3 (001)" Nanotechnology., 36(9): art.n° 5601. (2025).
Niyonzima, J.D., Jeridi, H., Essaoui, L., Tosarelli, C., Vlad, A., Coati, A., Royer, S., Trimaille, I., Goldmann, M., Gallas, B., Constantin, D., Babonneau, D., Garreau, Y., Croset, B., Kralj, S., Kamien, R.D., Lacaze, E. "X-Ray Diffraction Reveals the Consequences of Strong Deformation in Thin Smectic Films: Dilation and Chevron Formation" Physical Review Letters., 134(1): art.n° 018101. (2025).
AlSabeh, G., Almalki, M., Kasemthaveechok, S., Ruiz-Preciado, M.A., Zhang, H., Vanthuyne, N., Zimmermann, P., Dekker, D.M., Eickemeyer, F.T., Hinderhofer, A., Schreiber, F., Zakeeruddin, S.M., Ehrler, B., Crassous, J., Milić, J.V., Grätzel, M. "Helical interfacial modulation for perovskite photovoltaics" Nanoscale Advances., 6(12): 3029-3033. (2024).
Krause, B., Furgeaud, C., Mastail, C., Michel, A., Parent, S., Abadias, G., Resta, A., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Vlad, A. "Real-time study of the interplay between phase formation and stress evolution at the W1−xSix/a-Si interface" Physical Review Materials., 8(10): art.n° 103401. (2024).
Grimes, M., Atlan, C., Chatelier, C., Bellec, E., Olson, K., Simonne, D., Levi, M., Schülli, T.U., Leake, S.J., Rabkin, E., Eymery, J., Richard, M.I. "Capturing Catalyst Strain Dynamics during Operando CO Oxidation" ACS Nano., 18(30): 19608-19617 . (2024).
Del Puppo, S., Biasin, P., Sala, A., Mantegazza, P., Pasqua, I., Ghidorsi, E., Caporali, M., Resta, A., Coati, A., Genuzio, F., Mentes, O.T., Locatelli, A., Comelli, G., Africh, C., Vesselli, E., Peressi, M., Verdini, A. "Blue Phosphorene on Au(111): theory, spectroscopy and diffraction reveal the role of single Au adatoms" Nanoscale Advances., 6(14): 3582-3589. (2024).
Loizos, M., Rogdakis, K., Luo, W., Zimmermann, P., Hinderhofer, A., Lukić, J., Tountas, M., Schreiber, F., Milić, J.V., Kymakis, E. "Resistive switching memories with enhanced durability enabled by mixed-dimensional perfluoroarene perovskite heterostructures" Nanoscale Horizons., 9(7): 1146-1154. (2024).
Reyes, A., Herrera, G., Capiod, P., Le Roy, D., Dupuis, V., Cañero-Infante, I., Saint-Girons, G., Bachelet, R., Resta, A., Ohresser, P., Martinelli, L., Weng, X., Renaud, G., Tournus, F. "Preferential orientations of FeRh nanomagnets deposited on a BaTiO3 epitaxial thin film" Physical Review B., 109(25): art.n° 245410. (2024).