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Last update : 05.03.2024
E.g., 06/04/2024
E.g., 06/04/2024
Reichle, S., Kang, L., Demirbas, D., Weidenthaler, C., Felderhoff, M., DeBeer, S., Schüth, F. "Mechanocatalytic Synthesis of Ammonia: State of the Catalyst During Reaction and Deactivation Pathway" Angewandte Chemie International Edition., 136(14): art.n° e202317038. (2024).
Thery, G., Juillot, F., Calmels, D., Bollaert, Q., Meyer, M., Quiniou, T., David, M., Jourand, P., Ducousso, M., Fritsch, E., Landrot, G., Morin, G., Quantin, C. "Heating effect on chromium speciation and mobility in Cr-rich soils: A snapshot from New Caledonia" Science of The Total Environment., 922: art.n° 171037. (2024).
Joshi, P., ThomasArrigo, L.K., Sawwa, D., Sauter, L., Kappler, A. "Complexation by Particulate Organic Matter Alters Iron Redox Behavior" ACS Earth and Space Chemistry., 8(2): 310–322. (2024).
Liu, N., Bartling, S., Springer, A., Kubis, C., Bokareva, O.S., Salaya, E., Sun, J., Zhang, Z., Wohlrab, S., Abdel-Mageed, A., Liang H.Q., Francke, R. "Heterogenized Molecular Electrocatalyst Based on a Hydroxo-Bridged Binuclear Copper(II) Phenanthroline Compound for Selective Reduction of CO2 to Ethylene" Advanced Materials., 36(6): art.n° 2309526. (2024).
Paparoni, F., Zitolo, A., Magnan, H, Rezvani, S.J., Di Cicco, A., Alizon, G., Fonda, E. "A Novel Electrochemical Flow-Cell for Operando XAS Investigations On X-ray Opaque Supports" PCCP - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics., 26(5): 3897-3906. (2024).
Impeng, S., Salaya‐Gerónimo, E., Kunkel, B., Bartling, S., Faungnawakij, K., Rungtaweevoranit, B., Abdel-Mageed, A.M. "Mechanism and selectivity of MOF-supported Cu single-atom catalysts for the preferential CO oxidation" Journal of Materials Chemistry A., 12(5): 3084-3095. (2024).
Haemers, J., Zanghi, D., Le Bec, E., Genevois, C., Hajjar-Garreau, S., Balan, L. "Plasmon Active Functional Coatings with Hybrid Bimetallic Nanoparticles@Polymers by a Single Step Photoinduced Approach" ACS Applied Optical Materials., 2(1): 199–210. (2024).
Hursán, D., Timoshenko, J., Ortega, E., Jeon, H.S., Rüscher, M., Herzog, A., Rettenmaier, C., Chee, S.W., Martini, A., Koshy, D., Roldán Cuenya, B. "Reversible Structural Evolution of Metal-Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Catalysts During CO2 Electroreduction: An Operando X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study" Advanced Materials., 36(4): art.n° 2307809. (2024).
Sricharoenvech, P., Siebecker, M.G., Tappero, R., Landrot, G., Fischel, M.H.H., Sparks, D.L. "Chromium Speciation and Mobility in Contaminated Coastal Urban Soils Affected by Water Salinity and Redox Conditions" Journal of Hazardous Materials., 462: art.n° 132661. (2024).
Blommaert, H., Sarret, G., Chavez, E., Smolders, E., Vanderschueren, R. "Cadmium speciation in cacao beans changes during a fermentation-like incubation" Food Chemistry., 431: art.n° 137068. (2024).