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Last update : 05.07.2024
E.g., 06/07/2024
E.g., 06/07/2024
El Albani, A., Konhauser, K.O., Somogyi, A., Ngwalghoubou Ikouanga, J., Lamboux, A., Blichert-Toft, J., Chi-Fru, E., Fontaine, C., Mazurier, A., Riboulleau, A., Pierson-Wickmann, A.C., Albarède, F. "A search for life in Palaeoproterozoic marine sediments using Zn isotopes and geochemistry" Earth and Planetary Science Letters., 612: art.n° 118169. (2023).
Haÿ, V., Berland, S., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Mennesson, M.I., Keith, P., Lord, C. "Unmasking pipefish otolith using synchrotron-based scanning X-ray fluorescence" Scientific Reports., 13: art.n° 4794. (2023).
Sacchetti, E., Desjardins, K., Medjoubi, K. "An analytical model for fluorescent and scattering X-ray beam monitor designing" Journal of Instrumentation., 18(1): art.n° C01006. (2023).
Loncle, A., Kim, M., Geffroy, B., Gautam, S., Plantevin, O., Jacques, V.L.R., Medjoubi, K. "White light-induced halide segregation in triple-cation mixed halide perovskites studied by in-situ fast scanning nano-XRF at the NANOSCOPIUM beamline, Synchrotron SOLEIL" Journal of Physics Conferences Series., 2380: art.n° 012127. (2022).
Fehlauer, T., Collin, B., Angeletti, B., Negahi, M.M., Dentant, C., Chaurand, P., Lallemand, C., Levard, C., Rose, J. "Multiscale imaging on Saxifraga paniculata provides new insights into yttrium uptake by plants" Scientific Reports., 12: art.n° 18268. (2022).
Bazin, D., Daudon, M., Frochot, V., Haymann, J.P., Detavernier, C. "Foreword to microcrystalline pathologies: combining clinical activity and fundamental research at the nanoscale" Comptes Rendus Chimie., 25(S1): 11-35. (2022).
Guo, R., Somogyi, A., Bazin, D., Bouderlique, E., Letavernier, E., Curie, C., Isaure, M.P., Medjoubi, K. "Towards routine 3D characterization of intact mesoscale samples by multi-scale and multimodal scanning X-ray tomography" Scientific Reports., 12: art.n° 16924. (2022).
Cuif, J.P., Medjoubi, K., Somogyi, A., Dauphin, Y., Bazin, D. "From visible light to X-ray microscopy: major steps in the evolution of developmental models for calcification of invertebrate skeletons" Comptes Rendus Chimie., 25(S1): 577-595. (2022).
Colboc, H., Moguelet, P., Letavernier, E., Frochot, V., Bernaudin, J.F., Weil, R., Rouzière, S., Senet, P., Bachmeyer, C., Laporte, N., Lucas, I., Descamps, V., Amode, R., Brunet-Possenti, F., Kluger, N., Deschamps, L., Dubois, A., Reguer, S., Somogyi, A., Medjoubi, K., Refregiers, M., Daudon, M., Bazin, D. "Pathologies related to abnormal deposits in dermatology: a physico-chemical approach" Comptes Rendus Chimie., 25(S1): 445-476. (2022).
Lallemand, C., Ambrosi, J.P., Borschneck, D., Angeletti, B., Chaurand, P., Campos, A., Desmau, M., Fehlauer, T., Auffan, M., Labille, J., Roche, N., Poizat, L., Collin, B., Rose, J., Levard, C. "Potential of Ligand-Promoted Dissolution at Mild pH for the Selective Recovery of Rare Earth Elements in Bauxite Residues" ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering., 10(21): 6942–6951. (2022).