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Last update : 02.08.2025
E.g., 02/08/2025
E.g., 02/08/2025
Cools, A., Aune, S., Beau, F., Brunbauer, F.M., Benoit, T., Desforge, D., Ferrer-Ribas, E., Kallitsopoulou, A., Malgorn, C., Oliveri, E., Papaevangelou, T., Pollacco, E.C., Ropelewski, L., Sari, A., Iguaz, F.J. "X-ray imaging with Micromegas detectors with optical readout" Journal of Instrumentation., 18(6): art.n° C06019. (2023).
Jonnard, P., Le Guen, K., Delaunay, R., Ménesguen, Y., Lépy, M.C., Briand, E., Schmaus, D., Vickridge, I. "Combined x-ray reflectivity and grazing incidence x-ray fluorescence study of Ta/Cr/Pt thin film stacks" X-ray Spectrometry., 52(6): 437-446. (2023).
Rajpal, A., Huart, L., Nicolas, C., Chevallard, C., Guigner, J.M., Dasilva, P., Mercere, P., Gervais, B., Hervé du Penhoat, M.A., Renault, J.P. "Superoxide Production under Soft X-ray Irradiation of Liquid Water" Journal of Physical Chemistry B., 127(19): 4277–4285. (2023).
Vincenti, M.A., Montereali, R.M., Nichelatti, E., Nigro, V., Piccinini, M., Koenig, M., Mabey, P., Rigon, G., Dabrowski, H.J., Benkadoum, Y., Mercere, P., Da Silva, P., Pikuz, T., Ozaki, N., Makarov, S., Pikuz, S., Albertazzi, B. "Optical characterization of lithium fluoride thin-film imaging detectors for monochromatic hard X-rays" Journal of Instrumentation., 18(4): art.n° C04012. (2023).
Chacon, C., Suarez, M., Karakhanyan, V., Desjardins, K., Menneglier, C., Soppera, O., Moutarlier, V., Grosjean, T. "Multipixel x ray detection integrated at the end of a narrow multicore fiber" Optics Letters., 48(8): 2178-2181. (2023).
Meuris, A., Arhancet, A., Bachet, D., Ceraudo, F., Doumayrou, E., Dumaye, L., Goetschy, A., Götz, D., Horeau, B., Huynh, D.D., Lavanant, T., Lortholary, M., Le Mer, I., Nico, F., Pinsard, F., Prieur, M., Provost, L., Renaud, D., Renault-Tinacci, N., Schneider, B., Tourrette, T., Visticot, F., Mercier, K., Meidinger, N. "Design and performance of the camera of the Micro-channel X-ray Telescope on-board the SVOM mission" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 1049: art.n° 167908. (2023).
Sacchetti, E., Desjardins, K., Medjoubi, K. "An analytical model for fluorescent and scattering X-ray beam monitor designing" Journal of Instrumentation., 18(1): art.n° C01006. (2023).
Meuris, A., Schneider, B., Allaire, H., Baudin, D., Cojocari, I., Da Silva, P., Doumayrou, E., Götz, D., Ferrando, P., Laurent, P., Lortholary, M., Mercère, P., Pinsard, F., Prieur, M., Pichon, T., Provost, L., Renaud, D., Renault-Tinacci, N., Tollet, T., Visticot, F. "Characterization of the focal plane of the microchannel X-ray telescope at the metrology beamline of SOLEIL synchrotron for the space astronomy mission SVOM" Nuclear Instruments and Methods A., 1048: art.n° 167909. (2023).
Mahmoud, A.H.K., de Rossi, S., Meltchakov, E., Capitanio, B., Thomasset, M., Vallet, M., Héripré, E., Delmotte, F. "Al/Mo/SiC multilayer diffraction gratings with broadband efficiency in the extreme ultraviolet" Optics Express., 30(21): 38319-38338. (2022).
Ménesguen, Y., Lépy, M.C. "Reference-Free Combined X-Ray Reflectometry−Grazing Incidence X-Ray Fluorescence at the French Synchrotron SOLEIL" Physica status Solidi A., 219(9): art.n° 2100423. (2022).