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Last update : 02.08.2025
E.g., 02/08/2025
E.g., 02/08/2025
Herrera, G., Robert, A., Gonzalez, S., Schoeffmann, P., Tamion, A., Tournus, F., Bardotti, L., Boisron, O., Albin, C., Blanchard, N., Infante, I.C., Rojo Romeo, P., Canut, B., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Wilhelm, F., Rogalev, A., Bugnet, M., Damien Le Roy, Dupuis, V. "Finite size effects on the metamagnetic phase transition in a thick B2 FeRh nanocluster film" Nanoscale., 16(24): 11679-11687. (2024).
Krešáková, L., Holub, M., Tomás, M., Falvello, L.R., Rohlíček,J., Konieczny,P., Čižmár, E., Černák, J. "Heteroleptic Ni(II) complexes containing chelating benzoato ligand with sharp bite angle: syntheses, crystal structures, and magnetism" Inorganica Chimica Acta., 571: art.n° 122178. (2024).
Reyes, A., Herrera, G., Capiod, P., Le Roy, D., Dupuis, V., Cañero-Infante, I., Saint-Girons, G., Bachelet, R., Resta, A., Ohresser, P., Martinelli, L., Weng, X., Renaud, G., Tournus, F. "Preferential orientations of FeRh nanomagnets deposited on a BaTiO3 epitaxial thin film" Physical Review B., 109(25): art.n° 245410. (2024).
Curti, L., Prado, Y., Michel, A., Talbot, D., Baptiste, B., Otero, E., Ohresser, P., Journaux, Y., Cartier-dit-Moulin, C., Dupuis, V., Fleury, B., Sainctavit, P., Arrio, M.A., Fresnais, J., Lisnard, L. "Room-temperature-persistent magnetic interaction between coordination complexes and nanoparticles in maghemite-based nanohybrids" Nanoscale., 16(22): 10607-10617. (2024).
Sartori, K., López Martín, R., Choueikani, F., Gloter, A., Grenèche, J.M., Begin-Colin, S., Taverna, D., De Toro, J.A., Pichon, B.P. "Magnetic anisotropy engineering in onion-structured metal oxide nanoparticles combining double exchanged coupling and proximity effect" Nanoscale Advances., 6(11): 2903-2918. (2024).
Guillet, Q., Boukari, H., Choueikani, F., Ohresser, P., Ouerghi,  A., Mesple, F., Renard, V.T., Jacquot, J.F., Jalabert, D., Vergnaud, C., Bonell, F., Marty, A., Jamet, M. "Magnetic evolution of Cr2Te3 epitaxially grown on graphene with post-growth annealing" Applied Physics Letters., 124(20): art.n° 202402. (2024).
Poggini, L., Sorrentino, A.L., Ranieri, D., Calloni, A., Santanni, F., Giaconi, N., Cucinotta, G., Otero, E., Longo, D., Cortigiani, B., Caneschi, A., Bussetti, G., Sessoli, R., Mannini, M., Serrano, G. "Electronic and Magnetic Properties of a Monolayer of VOTPP Molecules Sublimated on Ag(100)" Advanced Physics Research., 3(5): art.n° 2300121. (2024).
Fablet, L., Choueikani, F., Pédrot, M., Marsac, R. "What are the effects of environmental factors on Co speciation at magnetite surface?" Environmental Science: Nano., 11(5): 2036-2048. (2024).
Potočňák, I., Bukrynov, O., Kliuikov, A., Holub, M., Vitushkina, S., Samoľová, E., Čižmár, E., Váhovská, L. "Influence of the phonon-bottleneck effect and low-energy vibrational modes on the slow spin-phonon relaxation in Kramers-ions-based Cu(ii) and Co(ii) complexes with 4-amino-3,5-bis-(pyridin-2-yl)-1,2,4-triazole and dicyanamide" Dalton Transactions., 53(16): 6950-6964. (2024).
Bhatnagar-Schöffmann, T., Schöffmann, P., Resta, A., Lamperti, A., Bernard, G., Kovács, A., Largeau, L., Durnez, A., Harouri, A., Lafosse, X., Ourdani, D., Syskaki, M.A., Roussigné, Y., Ono, S., Dunin-Borkowski, R.E., Langer, J., Ravelosona, D., Belmeguenai, M., Solignac, A., Herrera Diez, L. "Non-Oxidative Mechanism in Oxygen-Based Magneto-Ionics" Advanced Materials Interfaces., 11(14): art.n° 2300955. (2024).