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Talking Science and Scientific Careers with Fifth Graders - Mission: Possible!

Explaining his work as a scientist at the synchrotron, sharing how he uses X-rays...
On Monday, November 25, 2024, Sufal Swaraj, a scientist on the HERMES beamline, kicked off the "SOLEIL Ambassadors" missions by visiting a primary school in Dourdan.

In the spring of 2024, SOLEIL was approached by the Direction des Services Départementaux de l’Éducation Nationale (DSDEN, Departmental Directorate of National Education Services) to contribute to the scientific component of a large Arts and Sciences project involving seven classes of fourth and fifth graders from four schools in Essonne. Co-developed by schoolteachers, artists, and SOLEIL, this initiative encourages each class to explore specific scientific themes related to SOLEIL, such as light, colors, or the living world. The students then work with an artist, already a partner of the Versailles Rectorate's cultural services, to create a final presentation.
For instance, writer Sandrine Andrews will guide the students in crafting a novel or other written work. Visual artist Michel Jocaille will lead activities based on images distorted by mirrors and photography. Meanwhile, the Lune de Miel theater company will help students delve into theatrical creation. These artists have also visited SOLEIL to familiarize themselves with the site and prepare for their collaboration with the students.

But SOLEIL's contribution goes beyond artistic projects. The aim is also to introduce young learners to the world of research and the fascinating universe of the synchrotron. To achieve this, SOLEIL can rely on its Ambassadors.
The "SOLEIL Ambassadors" program seeks to build a network of SOLEIL staff members eager to engage in scientific outreach. Participants receive training from the Communication team and are provided with resources like equipment loans, activity scenarios, or any other support they might need. The first training sessions were held in spring 2024, and Sufal Swaraj was the first newly trained Ambassador to visit a classroom.

On November 25, Sufal visited Jean-François Regnard Primary School in Dourdan to meet two fifth-grade classes participating in the Arts and Sciences project. This initial meeting focused on the role of a scientist: What does it mean to be a scientist? What questions might arise when examining a beetle, a spider web, or meteorite dust in a laboratory? Through engaging workshops, Sufal shared his experiences, sparking the children’s curiosity.

Sufal explaining the results of a research on nanoparticles found in water from a factory.

Of course, these inquisitive young minds didn't stop at the planned activities. Every story Sufal shared led to a flurry of enthusiastic questions, illustrating once again how deeply children are drawn to science from an early age. It's a passion that needs nurturing. A follow-up visit is scheduled for Tuesday, January 14, 2025, when the pupils will tour SOLEIL. This visit will bring the role of a scientist to life, offering a closer look at how SOLEIL’s team collaborates to operate and utilize their incredible machine—the synchrotron SOLEIL.