After the restart of the accelerators and the implementation of a specific organization, in particular around the Control Room, the beamlines restarted on Tuesday, May 26.
This first week of operation allowed setting up the beamlines and also, for some of them, making first in-house experiences (i.e. carried out by SOLEIL researchers) or in remote access: by users who have sent their samples to SOLEIL’s teams and control the equipment remotely, outside of SOLEIL. Support groups were also mobilized to participate in this restarting.
Here are a few pictures to share with you the "atmosphere" in the Synchrotron building.

From the left to the right: On PLÉÏADES Beamline ; the Detectors Group operating on CRISTAL Beamline.

From the left to the right: on GALAXIES Beamline ; on TEMPO Beamline.

From the left to the right: on SAMBA Beamline ; on HERMÈS Beamline ; on PROXIMA2-A Beamline.

From the left to the right: on SWING Beamline ; on PROXIMA-1 Beamline.

From the left to the right: the ECA Group operating on SWING Beamline ; on NANOSCOPIUM Beamline ; on LUCIA Beamline.

From the left to the right: on ODE Beamline ; on AILES Beamline.

From the left t the right: on MARS Beamline ; on PSICHÉ Beamline.
As with the operation of the accelerators, a specific organization has been implemented on the beamlines in addition to the general instructions applicable on the SOLEIL site. Thus, there cannot be more than two people in any of the beamlines hutches. The photos showing two people were therefore taken from the door!
On Tuesday, June 2nd, it was the external users’ turn to be back on some of the beamlines. There are also very specific conditions, for example the addition of a “CoViD-19” section to the online safety training to be followed before arrival at SOLEIL. All the information on this subject has been detailed in this news.