Synchrotron SOLEIL, which welcomes up to 5000 visitors per year as facility users as well as the general public, has been temporarily closed in line with French government recommendations, in order to limit the propagation of the Covid-19.
Nonetheless, scientific research into the nature of the virus, the means to protect against it and reduce its virulence, remains a high priority.
For this reason SOLEIL has taken several actions:
- Efforts have been made to remain in close contact with French research teams with activity in virus research, particularly on Covid-19.
- A mechanism to re-open SOLEIL, for short periods, in order to allow urgent Coronavirus specific research projects, has been put into place. This mechanism will be available only for urgent experiments, via the Rapid Access proposal system, and experiments will be evaluated by the SOLEIL management on a case by case basis. Any temporary reopening of the storage ring will strictly respect social distancing recommendations, with a maximum of operations carried out via remote access to instruments. Details of how to apply for rapid access beamlines can be found below. For any enquiries, contact
- Once the current restrictions (social distancing) have been relaxed, SOLEIL will give high priority to reprogramming the pharmaceutical research projects that were postponed due to the storage ring closure.
- SOLEIL’s scientists are working closely with our on-site pharmaceutical industry partners (the LBS3 laboratory), in order to maintain a minimal program while respecting social distancing criteria.
How to apply for Rapid Access?
The proposal submission "form" is available online via the SUN set web interface.
You must create an account in the SUN set if you are not already registered to submit a proposal by clicking on “New SUN set user”.
Otherwise you can submit your proposal by clicking on "Registered SUN set user", "Proposal Management" tab, "Proposal Application" function.
The proposal is completed in 6 steps (6 tabs).
Applications must be in English.
Once your proposal is ready, you must contact the person in charge of the beamline on which you wish to submit your proposal to agree on all the necessary terms and conditions for the experiment (dates, experience conditions, samples, etc.). The beamline manager will then move your project to Rapid Access.