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Non resonant inelastic x-ray scattering at SPring-8: electronic excitations with 25 meV resolution & phonons with meV and sub-meV resolution

September 4, 2017 14h • Amphithéâtre de SOLEIL

Alfred Baron
(Laboratory Head, Materials Dynamics Laboratory, RIKEN SPring-8 Center, High Resolution Inelastic X-Ray Scattering, Osaka University,  Japan)

Inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS) probes the dynamics of atoms and electrons, providing both more complex information about materials (e.g. phonon and d-d excitation spectra) and access to conceptually simpler quantities such as sound velocities and electronic gaps.   This talk will describe the non-resonant meV-scale IXS program at SPring-8, including both instrumentation and recent results from the two beamlines [1][2] designed and built by the presenter, both being well optimized to take advantage SPring-8’s strengths.   After providing background, the talk will focus on some selected topics including work in extreme conditions where we have made progress narrowing down the possible composition of the earth’s liquid and solid core [3][4] (with most recent work to >250 GPa, or up to ~3000K) and on recent commissioning of a new type of spectrometer for electronic excitations [5][6] which we expect will provide high-resolution information complementary to resonant IXS.


Entrance formalities:

Free access in the auditorium of the Reception building.
If the manifestation takes place in the main building thank you for providing an ID card (to exchange at the reception for an access pass)


Contact: Sandrine Vasseur